by Stephanie Dickrell
Local law enforcement will soon have some help cracking down on drivers who run red lights.
Stearns County received federal funding to install traffic-confirmation lights on several county-owned traffic signals, including some in St. Joseph, said Randy Sabart, the city’s engineer.
A light is installed on the back of a traffic signal. It turns blue when the light is red. A law enforcement officer watching nearby will be better able to tell who is running a red light.
It makes it safer to enforce red-light runners, said St. Joseph Police Chief Dwight Pfannenstein. Officers can position their patrol cars on the back side of the traffic signal. It makes it easier and safer for the officer to pursue and pull over someone who has run a red light.
“The whole point … is to avoid additional traffic hazards,” he said.
Drivers won’t be able to see the lights from their point at the intersection, he said.
Previously, he said, officers needed to see the red light, and likely would have to cross an intersection to pursue offenders.
Stearns County is installing the devices on signals on CR 75 and Hwy. 15.
Pfannenstein worked with county officials to decide which signals in St. Joseph should get the new lights. They include intersections at county roads 2, 133 and 134.
The lights are being installed with no cost to the city of St. Joseph, however, the police department would have to allocate officers’ time to enforcement, by positioning their patrol cars in view of the lights, Pfannenstein said.