by Carolyn Bertsch
A Sartell-based online group dubbed “Positive Vibes” has been busy again doing good works and spreading all kinds of good cheer throughout Sartell and elsewhere.
Recently, more than a dozen members rallied together at the Sartell Community Center to make blankets to donate to the Coborn Cancer Center. The group enjoyed conversation, music, coffee and treats as they worked steadily in groups of two and three, cutting and tying colorful pieces of fleece fabric together. All ages and skill levels were present with those having more experience teaching those who had less. Some had never made a tie blanket before and thus were able to learn a new skill.

Other blanket-makers (front row, left to
right) Melissa Gohman, Rebecca Woods, and Emma Anderson (13) and Mady Bertsch; (middle row) Carolyn Bertsch, who was also celebrating a birthday, (back row, left to right) Laura Smith,
Oriana Abfalter, Jackie Anderson, Elizabeth Schultz, Trina Dietz, Tricia Meling, Emily Wood, Anna Haire, Erika Jepperson and Alea Erickson (15). All are from Sartell except Woods, who resides in St. Cloud and Jepperson, who resides in St. Stephen.

Working together on a sea of happy yellow polka dots are (left) Tricia Meling of Sartell, who ties knots, while Erika Jepperson of St. Stephen makes cuts Jan. 5 during a Positive Vibes blanket-making event.

Nineteen blankets were made by Positive Vibes Jan. 5 at the Sartell Community Center. The blankets will be donated to the Coborn Cancer Center.