NOV. 18, 2019
The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair Jason Nies. Members present: Nies, chair; Jeremy Snoberger, vice chair; Pamela Raden, clerk; Amanda Byrd, treasurer; Lesa Kramer, director; Patrick Marushin, director; and Jeff Schwiebert, superintendent. Members absent: none.
A motion was made by Raden and seconded by Snoberger to APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS: change report order moving Construction Report to the second report. All in favor. Motion carried.
During the public comment opportunity, Mike Bastos, 1513 Lavender Ave. spoke on the topics of sports, safety, marching band uniforms and parking at the new high school. Doug Schueller, 2300 Wyoming Court, spoke on the topic of open enrollment for families with a Sartell address.
A motion was made by Snoberger and seconded by Kramer to APPROVE CONSENT ITEMS A-F AS PRESENTED BELOW. All in favor. Motion carried.
a. Minutes of the regular school board meeting held on Oct. 21, 2019
Minutes of the special meeting and work session held on Nov. 6, 2019
Minutes of the special canvass meeting held on Nov. 8, 2019
b. Checks in the amount of $1,826,461.33 as presented:
General Fund 1,444,858.36
Food Service Fund 120,163.71
Transportation Fund 163,241.16
Community Service Fund 41,102.22
Capital Expenditure Fund 52,731.42
Summer Rec Agency Fund 984.73
Custodial Fund 3,379.73
Check numbers 176703 – 177018
ACHs in the amount of $5,202.55 as presented:
General Fund 4,756.60
Food Service Fund 32.29
Community Service Fund 413.66
ACH numbers 192000064-192000092
Receipts in the amount of $5,452,069.81 as presented:
General Fund 3,165,708.24
Food Service Fund 272,809.37
Transportation Fund 1,193.95
Community Service Fund 202,571.55
Capital Expenditure Fund 17,126.22
Building Fund 2,107.60
Debt Service Fund 1,790,553.48
Receipts 46634 – 46824
Wire transfers in the amount of $257,825.66 as presented:
General Fund 227,283.75
Food Service Fund 3,493.16
Capital Expenditure Fund 29.25
Building Fund 27,019.50
Wire transfers 201900252-201900319
Building Fund Checks in the amount of $1,230,701.72 as presented:
Building Fund 1,230,701.72
Check numbers 600764 to 600795
c. Accept the following donations:
Tony and Elise Dingmann Fund of Central Minnesota Community Foundation, High School Band Program, $2,458.08, donation for the Band Program; LeSauk Lion Club, Substance-free Coalition, $100, donation for printing banners.
d. Accept the resignation of Nicholas Hemmesch, SMS, student supervisor, 10/4/19; Sarah Lukken, SHS, media aid, 11/20/19; Nikki Mortezaee, ORE, para, 10/24/19; Marina Schroeder, DSC-Early Childhood, child care attendant, 11/6/19; Rebecca Simonsen, DSC-Early Childhood, child care attendant, 11/7/19.
e. Approve 2019-2020 District 748 Sartell-St. Stephen Professional Development and Continuous Goals.
f. Approve Combined Polling Places Resolution
Student Representative Report:
- Student Representative Sam Brandt reported on happenings around the district. Pine Meadow will host a Thinking it Through presentation in the PAC at the High School tomorrow night. Oak Ridge dressed in 1950’s attire to engage students in learning about life during that decade. Both elementary schools hosted Viktor the Viking for bullying awareness last week. At Sartell Middle school the popular ski club will return this year and musical tryouts will be starting. Student Council is making blankets for service members serving overseas. Sartell High School students are working on “turkey in a bag” a community service project. The goal this year is having more than 75 families being served. The girls swim team went to state this past weekend and winter sports are off to a great start. Student Council will host a “Toys for Tots” drive the first week of December. Students are settling into the new High School as earlier concerns have now waned.
Construction Manager Report on Building Process:
- Construction Manager Lee Gruen reported the new roof install on the old High School is going very well. The media center framing is done with drywall starting then paint and electrical work. The old music wing is being transitioned to a theater area, plumbing work is in progress in the science area, the old auto shop area is being transformed into a music area and demolition is completed in the administrative offices. The project is going very well with no huge surprises and the schedule remains on pace.
Audit Report:
- Nancy Schulzetenberg, from BerganKDV presented the 2018-2019 audit results.
Superintendent Report: Jeff Schwiebert, Superintendent
- Schwiebert reported he attended a dedication event earlier today with 50 other guests for the new nordic ski trails located behind the old high school. Congratulations to Brandon Nordhues and Joanna Richards who were recently recognized by ACDA of Minnesota. The ACT results were recently released showing the High School with a composite score of 24.4, which is a direct reflection of building students, teachers and administration. A meeting was held with Mary Degiovanni from the City of Sartell to discuss Community Education’s role with the Community Center, which has been going well, and the trail along Pinecone Road. Finally we passed the levy on Election Day with many thanks to the community.
District 748 2019-2020 World’s Best Workforce Summary and Strategic Plan Report:
- Kay Nelson, assistant superintendent, Marie Pangerl, district assessment coordinator, and Principals Laura Arndt, Jason Mielke, Sara Nelson and Brenda Steve reported on the 2019-2020 District World’s Best Workforce Strategic Plan as well as reporting on results from the 2018-2019 World’s Best Workforce Strategic Plan.
Calendar Report:
- Superintendent Schwiebert reported on the draft of the 2020-2021 school year calendar.
Enrollment Report:
- Superintendent Schwiebert reported on the current 2019-2020 enrollment numbers for each school.
School Board Committee Report:
- No reports.
A motion was made by Marushin and seconded by Snoberger to APPROVE #1-17:
New Employees/Changes:
Brian Bluhm, DSC -Early Childhood, ECSE para, $16.42/hour, RIV, S1, 3 hours/day (M-F), new position, 11/18/2019; Kirby Daubanton, SMS, para, $16.42/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, new position, 11/5/2019; Amanda Hanson-Semega, SMS, student supervisor, $13.87/hour, RI, S1, 2.25 hours/day, replacing Nicholas Hemmesch, 10/30/2019; Brooklyn Harren, DSC-Early Childhood, ECSE para, $16.42/hour, RIV, S1, 3 hours/day (M,T,TH), replacing Molly Butkowski, 10/15/2019; Kimberly Helde, ORE, para, $16.42/hour, RIV, S1, 6.25 hours/day, replacing Joy Shea, 11/7/2019; Jordyn Kruse, PME, para, $16.42/hour, RIV, S1, 6.25 hours/day, new position, 10/29/2019; Rachel Miller, SHS, assistant robotics, $908 (2.25 percent), BA, Step A ($40,371), replacing Noah Schmelzer, 1/5/2020; Christian Pekarek, SHS, ninth-grade boys basketball, $4,033 (10.5 percent), BA, Step 0 ($38,410), replacing Raleigh Woodruff, 11/19/2019; Nick Peterson, SHS, weight training consultant, $7,365, outside funded, n/a, 19-20 school year; Marina Schroeder, SHS, para, $16.42/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, replacing Christina Studanski, 11/7/2019; Rebecca Simonsen, ORE, para, $16.42/hour, RIV, S1, 6.25 hours/day, replacing Nikki Mortezaee, 11/1/2019; Tom Steve, SMS, sixth-grade science substitute, $191.45/day, replacing Gary Rosin, 11/18/2019; Heather Yelle, SHS, assistant nordic, $1,824 (9.5 percent), BA, Step 0 ($38,410), 50-percent contract, replacing Anna Lindell, 11/14/2019.
Leaves of Absence:
Alicia Fosso, SMS, para, LOA, 1/2/20-6/2/20; Aubri Hill, DSC-Early Childhood, child care attendant, LOA, 11/7/19-12/9/19; Rachel Rhines, SMS, para, LOA, 11/12/19-11/27/19; Carmen Peterson, SMS, teacher, LOA, 11/14/19-3/1/20.
All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Kramer and seconded by Byrd to APPROVE THE 2019-20 ISD 748 DISTRICT PLAN FOR MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF MINNESOTA STATE STATUTE 120B.11: STRIVING FOR THE WORLD’S BEST WORKFORCE . All in favor. Motion carried.
Schedule Work Session and Committee Meetings:
- Steering Committee Meeting – Thursday, Dec. 5 – Sartell District Office @ 1 p.m.
- Future Truth in Taxation Meeting – Monday, Dec. 16 – Sartell High School @ 6 p.m.
- Future Board Meeting – Monday, Dec. 16 – Sartell High School @ 6:30 p.m.
- Board Member Gathering – TBD
Committee assignments were reviewed.
The Board took a five-minute recess at 8:10 p.m. The meeting resumed at 8:20 p.m.
A motion was made by Snoberger and seconded by Marushin TO CLOSE THE MEETING FOR NEGOTIATIONS STRATEGY PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STAT. 13D.03. All in favor. Motion carried. Business Services Director Joe Prom and Human Resources Director Bart Appleton were invited to join the discussion.
A motion was made by Raden and seconded by Marushin at 8:38 p.m. TO OPEN THE MEETING. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion to ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:39 p.m. was made by Snoberger and seconded by Byrd. All in favor. Motion carried.
/s/ Pamela Raden, clerk
Publish: Dec. 27, 2019