Carol Weiler, Sartell
The person that holds the office of Secretary of State of Minnesota is one of the guardians of the ballot box. That person must be worthy of the trust of the citizens of our state.
Which of the current candidates fits this profile? I would say Steve Simon, Chair of the House Elections Committee, who authored the “No-Excuses” absentee voting law, which makes it easier for us to participate in our democracy.
His opponent, Dan Severson, is running a campaign based on rumors and outright falsehoods. He says on his website that “In the 2010 election in Minnesota, less than 5-percent of Minnesota’s active duty military members votes were counted. Current state policy is to count those votes last after all others.” After checking with the elections offices of Stearns and Benton counties, I have discovered that this is not true. Mr. Severson is employing the weapons of fear and suspicion to manipulate the patriotic feelings of voters to further his own ends. He has made other statements using unverifiable numbers and hearsay to cast doubt on the integrity of our state’s election system.
Please vote for believable Steve Simon. He has worked hard for fair and accessible elections.