James Graeve, St. Joseph
Jim Read, candidate for Congress in Minnesota’s 6th District, will hold a kickoff of his efforts to get DFL endorsement on Sunday, Jan. 26 in the Voyagers room at Atwood Center at St. Cloud State University. The event is from 2-4 p.m.
It’s exciting to know we may have a candidate early on. Previous candidates got into the race in May of 2012 and almost beat three-term incumbent Michele Bachmann. I have no doubt if Jim Graves had gotten into the race early we would be looking at endorsing Graves for re-election.
Read teaches our young folks at St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict on how government is supposed to work. He has been doing that for 25 years. Read has a slogan: “Let’s make Congress work.” The polls show Congress with an approval rating of 10 percent.
So we need a serious hard-working person to restore some credibility to our democracy. Read fits that mold – Eagle Scout, Merit Scholar at the University of Chicago, five-state champion in the high hurdles in his sophomore and senior years in college. Then on to Harvard for his PhD.
The possible hurdle to his winning is mostly money. It will be a David (Read) vs Goliath (GOP) for funding. To offset the money imbalance, hundreds of volunteers are needed and should be in place by May or early June.
Voters in the booth are the great equalizer to the gross corporate dollars that contaminate the political process. Democracy should not and must not be bought.
Come join us for a fun event on Jan. 26 and prove the Congressional 6th District is in play for Democrats in 2014.
Do not forget the Tea Party members of Congress shut the government down in the fall of 2012 and cost the American economy $24-28 BILLION dollars and nearly collapsed the economy and our democracy.