Jeannie Stelten
My son-in-law is a paramedic working for Rochester Mayo Clinic in the city of St. Cloud and surrounding areas. I have been concerned with his safety and the safety of his peers for sometime, and it has become very real to me after the incident that occurred in Burnsville last month. Unfortunately we have a waive of lawlessness and or lack of respect for the sanctity of human lives sweeping through our country as of late since the George Floyd incident. I am writing to you today on behalf of all first responders and as a concerned family member of one of these people.
Our state seems to continue to have a surplus of money we are using in regards to making our state better for all. I would like to suggest that money be allotted to all first responders in the state of Minnesota to buy bulletproof vests for all of these personnel. They put themselves in harms way every day they step out to do their job and this would be something I believe is a worthy cause to assist in the protection of their lives and the lives of their family members.