Judy Mosford, Sartell
In response to Dennis Dalman’s opinion article in the Feb. 4 Newsleaders, when I hear the word “Dino,” I think of “Dino the Dinosaur,” and there certainly are many in the Democrat administration including Nancy Pelosi; Joe Biden; Chuck Schumer and several others. I am not saying there isn’t the same number in the Republican ranks, but let’s move on.
The filibuster has been used by both parties over the years and for the Democrats to do away with it now could come back to haunt them in the future. They don’t care about that right now as they want to do whatever it takes to stay in power forever.
As for the Right to Vote Law, THERE IS NO VOTER SUPPRESSION! That’s the Big Lie! There is no place in the U.S. where voters are prevented from voting. Voting is a privilege for U.S. citizens. Serious voters should be willing to make an effort to participate in the voting process even if the polling place is not outside their front door and no one is ringing their doorbell to ask if they want to vote and for whom.
The food and water bill states that one cannot give or sell food and beverages to those waiting in line to vote as this act could be encouragement to favor one candidate over another. A voter can bring their own water. Poll workers and election managers are allowed to provide self-serve bottles of water at the polling stations.
Gerrymandering? Really, Dennis? This scheme, as you call it, is also used by both parties. Don’t suggest that the Democratic party is above using this.
In conclusion, I commend Senators Manchin and Sinema for voting for what they believe is right and representing their constituents and not caving to the battering of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi!