by St. Joseph Post 328
Veteran support and general focus of the post
A dedicated group of Veterans who will stand behind you in a heartbeat. If you are in need sometime during a hard time, they will be there to lend help and support.
American Legion Post 328 in St. Joseph is one of the best in the area with a rather small club house, but it serves the Legion Post, the Ladies Auxiliary and the Sons of the American Legion Unit. Come by and visit us someday. We meet at 7 p.m. the fourth Monday of the month at 101 W. Minnesota St., St. Joseph.
Support of youth and other worthy causes
We generously support youth and veteran activities with gambling funds. We send two young men to Boys State, sponsor an American Legion Baseball Team, offer college scholarships to area students and support the local Dollars for Scholars program.
Newsletter regarding important dates
We publish and mail a bi-monthly newsletter to keep members aware of recent information and publish meeting and activity dates. Some of the information the newsletter contains is the date and time of dinners for members and their spouse, date of highway cleanup, rifle team activities and dates/times for providing honors at the Little Falls Veterans Cemetery. There is a legion bowling team that annually defends its previous record. We gather worn flags from the community and burn them in an appropriate ceremony honoring the flag as it should be.
It has been said repeatedly, “We’re all in this together.” Whether it is at a meeting, a social function or preforming a patriotic duty such as helping with burial ceremonies at the Little Falls Veterans Cemetery.many friendships are developed, laughter fills the air and there is a willing ear to bend when a painful problem comes up. Wouldn’t you want to be a part of this great group of veterans?