by Dennis Dalman
Sartell has clarified its “Open Forum” policy – the period preceding each city-council meeting during which members of the public can address the council with complaints, problems, concerns and suggestions.
Several weeks ago, Sartell Mayor Ryan Fitzthum said the policy should be fine-tuned to make it more clear to people who have been confused or frustrated as to how it works.
Here is what prospective speakers at Open Forum sessions should know:
People can register to speak at the podium by contacting the city hall before and up to 5:45 p.m. on the day the council meeting is set to take place (council meetings start at 6 p.m. the second and fourth Mondays of every month, with some exceptions, such as holidays).
Registration must include name, address, email and general topic of concern.
Fifteen minutes is allotted for each Open Forum, which means there will be a maximum of five speakers, each allowed to speak for three minutes maximum. The mayor may use his or her discretion to allow more than five speakers to talk at Open Forums but, again, with three minutes max for each one.
Open Forum speakers are not allowed to bring up a topic that is on that night’s council agenda. In addition, they cannot address the council about the same topic more than three times at Open Forum sessions.
Although the council cannot discuss, debate or formally act upon any issue brought up by Open Forum speakers, the council can refer a speaker’s complaints, concerns or suggestions to city staff, city boards or city commissions for further study.