Everyone has the right to feel safe in their community. As simple as this statement is, you’d think it would go without saying but apparently, we need to keep saying it.
Change, someone who is different than you, ways of living that you don’t understand, these are all things that can create anxiety in some of us. Humans are creatures of habit and when those habits get altered, questioned or challenged, it can cause some to feel uncomfortable. But the truth is, nothing is more uncomfortable than not feeling safe in your community, your school, your church and even your own home.
There seems to be some miscommunication throughout all of this so let’s start there. No one is asking to be understood. In fact, it would be absurd to even expect that because there is no way any one of us can understand what it feels like to be in someone else’s shoes. And you know what? While acceptance would be nice, that too is not necessary.
But safety? That should simply be a basic human right. It’s interesting how we’ve come to a point in society where we still find it acceptable to bully others based off the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, and yes, even in this day and age, their sex.
It can be unnerving learning new tricks and it can be even more difficult to change a perspective on something you’ve always only seen one way, but the alternative is staying stuck in archaic beliefs and can be very damaging to our society.
If you find yourself in a situation where your views and judgments turn into attempts to stop others from being themselves and feeling safe, you are part of the problem. If you’re an adult with children and you’re OK with your child insulting another human being because they are somehow different, you are part of the problem.
If you’re not willing to change, or even see things from a different perspective that’s your prerogative and your right. But remember, you’re not the only one with rights. Let’s say this again, everyone deserves to feel safe.
A woman should be able to walk down the street or go for a run without fearing for her life; a person of color should be able to get pulled over for a basic traffic stop and not fear for their life; a child whose sexual orientation is different than yours should be able to go to school and not fear for their life.
It really is that simple. Stop the bullying – because everyone deserves to feel safe.