by Dennis Dalman
Pine Meadow Elementary School in Sartell has earned a “Reward” designation from Minnesota’s Multiple Measurement Ratings accountability system.
All of Sartell’s four schools exceeded proficiency targets in all subjects from the MMR, based on testing done in the 2012-13 school year.
A “Reward” school is one that makes the top 15 percent of Title I-funded schools. MMR does not include high schools or middle schools in the “Reward” category.
The MMR system is a replacement for the previous No Child Left Behind measurement methods. Minnesota had obtained a waiver from the No Child Left Behind law. The MMR gauges the following four areas:
1. Proficiency. Did the school meet its performance target?
2. Individual student growth. Did individual students meet their growth target? Are they making expected progress?
3. Closing the achievement gap. Did the school make progress closing its overall achievement gaps?
4. Graduation rate. Did the high school increase its graduation rate?
Kay Nelson is the director of learning services for the Sartell-St. Stephen School District. She said the MMR results help schools identify multiple aspects of teaching and learning so the needs of diverse students can be met.
“Each school,” Nelson said, “will work with the data to find areas of strength and opportunity. The data will drive continued improvements in the classroom for student learning and growth.”