by Mike Knaak
The Sartell-St. Stephen school district is making plans for distance learning when students return from spring break on March 30.
Sartell-St. Stephen school board members met with community leaders March 15 to begin working out details on implementing the governor’s order to shut down schools and plan for the coronavirus epidemic.
The Sartell district, along with St. Cloud and Sauk Rapids-Rice and area Catholic schools, closed for two weeks beginning March 16 to develop a distance learning plan.
While many of the details were worked out during the week, the board settled on several first steps. The actions take on more urgency, because unlike surrounding districts, Sartell-St. Stephen’s spring break begins March 23 and a plan needs to be ready when break ends March 30.
During spring break, the district has worked with area businesses to provide pickup lunches for students who need them. Brandon Testa, House of Pizza/Pacific Wok, organized the effort. Starting March 23, lunches can be picked up from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., at Door 20, Sartell Middle School. Other businesses supporting the lunch effort are Bernick’s Beverage, Performance Food Service, Mahowald Insurance, Laraway Financial and Sartell Pediatrics.
Charter is offering free access to Spectrum broadband internet for 60 days for families that don’t have high-speed internet. Details are available here:
Superintendent Jeff Schwiebert said the district has a “robust” technology backbone and that past surveys indicated about 90 percent of students have access to the internet at home.
The district offered this guidance:
• Families will be asked about access to technology devices and internet access via a confidential survey. Arrangements will be made to support families needing access. Each building will utilize the school district’s Schoology platform for instruction and communication with students.
• Instruction will generally follow regular daily schedules including specialized instruction for special education students and English Learners.
• Instruction will be provided for all learning areas including the arts, physical education and other elective courses.
• Instruction will be delivered via instructional videos, video conferencing, email and voicemail in addition to physical materials being sent home.
• Each child’s school supplies and access to textbooks and other resources are being provided.
• The school district will utilize district transportation for delivery and pick up of instructional materials and assignments.
• The school district will utilize district transportation for delivery of meals where needed.
• Schools are focused on supporting both academic and social-emotional learning. In addition to classroom teachers, school counselors and social workers will be interacting with students.
• Preschool teachers will be creating learning activities for children to complete at home with their parents and will have an online presence to read stories, teach learning songs, and demonstrate how to do a learning activity at home.
• Students will also receive materials and lessons that are paper/pencil, activity-based, at home.
• Additionally, Early Childhood Family Education will be sharing parenting resources on the Sartell-St. Stephen Early Childhood webpage and the Community Education webpage.
Elementary schools
K-2 teachers will distribute materials via physical packets for each child. The district is working with families who do not have a device at home (computer, iPad, cell phone) to provide access.
• In addition to physical materials, grades three and four students will have an assigned iPad for use at home.
Middle school
• Grades five to eight: students have an assigned iPad as part of their regular instruction so this will be the primary means of accessing instruction.
• Students will generally follow their regular schedule including engaging with their advisor or homeroom teacher daily.
High school
• Students will attend each virtual class during their regularly scheduled meeting time.
• Teachers will video conference every day with all of their classes to check in with students, provide feedback on their progress and to see how they are doing academically and emotionally.
• Our counseling staff is developing community-building activities (Sabre Strong Challenges) for each day to help us build community.
Special education
• Students who receive special education services will receive instruction according to their individualized educational plan.
• Each child has a case manager who will be supporting students and families to ensure specialized service delivery.
English Language Learner Students
• Students receiving English Language services will continue to receive appropriate instruction outlined in individual learning plans.
• English as a Second Language teachers will work with students and families directly to ensure a continuation of programming.
The district is asking that if anyone wants to visit a district building, including the District Service Center, to call ahead.
The school board is planning to use distance learning for board meetings and those details will be announced when the process is finalized.
In an email on March 18, distance leaders thank the community for support. “From The Waters providing childcare for ISD 748 staff this week to the Boys & Girls Club for providing emergency childcare services for emergency and health care workers to the encouraging messages to our staff and families – and everyone else who has been supportive,” the statement said.
“We are very proud of our teachers and staff for working creatively and collaboratively to rethink our teaching and learning,” Superintendent Jeff Schwiebert said. “Each building is working on age-appropriate lessons, using technology, and preserving our teacher/student relationships.
“We are lucky that kids don’t get the worst part of this but they might be carriers,” Schwiebert said at the March 15 board meeting. “When we actually have people sick there will be another level of panic and we need to provide a level of calm.”
Stearns County Commissioner and former teacher Joe Perske said at the special school board meeting “We have never seen an emergency like this except 9/11. That was something we saw on TV. It’s uncharted territory. The best we can do is work cooperatively.”

Sartell middle school lunch staff deliver smiles, breakfast and lunch to families waiting in their vehicles March 18. They are (left to right) Carol Williamson, Kim Mitchell and Shelby Rachel, all of Sartell. About 120 bagged meals were served on March 17, with an increase expected.

Food service staff pass out meals at the Middle School for Sartell-St. Stephen students Tuesday, March 17. Meals will be available from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. through Friday, March, 20. Food Service is providing cold bagged breakfast and lunch meals to any students needing this service during school closure.