JULY 19, 2021
The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 5 p.m. by Chair Jeremy Snoberger. Members present: Snoberger; Amanda Byrd, clerk; Matt Moehrle, treasurer; Patrick Marushin, director; Tricia Meling, director; and Dr. Jeff Ridlehoover, superintendent. Members absent: Jason Nies, vice chair.
A motion was made by Marushin and seconded by Byrd to APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. All in favor. Motion carried.
During the public comment opportunity, 18 members of the community addressed the school board. David Switzer, 613 19th Ave. N, spoke on the topic of the equity audit; Emily Larson, 810 Northstar Drive, spoke on the topic of equity; Peter Wilson, 1108 Celebration Drive, spoke on the topic of the School Board; Andi Koester, 849 Terry Lane, spoke on the topic of the equity audit; Rochelle Dyer, 817 Third Ave. N, spoke on the topic of equity; Chris Yasgar, 39522 115th Ave., spoke on multiple topics; Haylee Yasgar, student, spoke on the topic of the survey given to children; Steve Kron, 412 Pheasant Drive, spoke on the topic of the equity audit; Taryn Gentile, 1067 Lawrence Circle, spoke on the topic of equity; Kelsey Yasgar, 1413 Fourth St. N., spoke on the topic of the equity audit; Lori Listug-Lunde, 205 17th Ave. N., spoke on the topic of the review of the audit; Josh Nguyen, student, spoke on the topic of support for the equity audit; Bennett Prose, student, spoke on the topic of the lack of mental health resources; Tina Schmidt, 1608 Boulder Drive, spoke on the topic of the equity audit; Lori Schlect, 1721 Knottingham Drive, spoke on the topic of the equity audit; Kathy Schendzielos, 250 17th Ave. N., spoke on the topic of report data not provided; Alexis Brooks, 1535 Seventh Ave. S., spoke on the topic of CRT. After the Public Data Request Report was presented, Kassor Wagner, 815 10th Ave. N., spoke on the topic of moving forward with curriculum.
A motion was made by Moehrle and seconded by Meling to APPROVE CONSENT ITEMS A.4.a – A.4.c AS PRESENTED BELOW. All in favor. Motion carried.
A.4.a. Minutes of the regular school board meeting held on June 21, 2021
Minutes of the school board work session held on July 12, 2021
A.4.b Checks in the amount of $988,774.03 as presented:
General Fund 609,488.20
Food Service Fund 30,521.65
Transportation Fund 28,238.49
Community Service Fund 8,998.74
Capital Expenditure Fund 301,910.17
Debt Service Fund 2,250.00
Activity Accounts 6,364.07
Internal Service Fund 1,002.71
Check numbers 181481 – 181653
ACHs in the amount of $455.07 as presented:
General Fund 315.27
Community Service Fund 19.71
Activity Accounts 120.09
ACH numbers 212200001-212200005
Receipts in the amount of $5,441,184.96 as presented:
General Fund 3,386,354.63
Food Service Fund 10,510.47
Transportation Fund 13,627.03
Community Service Fund 185,058.68
Capital Expenditure Fund 124,070.78
Building Fund 68.56
Debt Service Fund 1,708,461.77
Activity Accounts 2,567.00
Internal Service Fund 10,466.04
Receipts 48988 – 49102
Wire transfers in the amount of $3,413,670.39 as presented:
General Fund 891,226.72
Food Service Fund 18,270.68
Transportation Fund 8,186.29
Community Service Fund 38,099.95
Capital Expenditure Fund 23,054.24
Debt Service Fund 1,797,895.00
Internal Service Fund 636,937.51
Wire transfers 202000735-202000774 & 202122001 – 202122032
A.4.c Accept the resignation of Mikayla Gessell, SHS, para, 6/21/21 and Richard Hicks, SMS, cafeteria worker, 7/13/21. Accept Retirement of Karen Atkinson, Community Center, facilities scheduler, 9/3/21.
Superintendent Report:
- Superintendent Dr. Jeff Ridlehoover reported on happenings around the district. Ridlehoover apologized for the warm gymnasium. Due to rules regarding the ability to move a meeting location this was the only option available. He offered his sincere and genuine thanks to the community for the warm welcome he has received. He had an opportunity to visit all District buildings and meet with students, staff, members of the city council, police and fire department members, community center staff, business owners and hundreds of parents and community members. He thanked them for sharing their time along with their willingness to share a little of themselves. He thanked those in attendance for attending tonight’s meeting, stating they matter and their voices matter. In the short time he has been in the District, he said he has experienced a respectful and thoughtful school community. Everyone shares the same fundamental goals, which is to provide each and every student who walks through our school house doors with the very best experience we possibly can. This includes academics as well as a safe, healthy and happy school environment, which our students deserve. The School Board has submitted additional questions to Equity Alliance and are engaging in follow up conversations with Equity Alliance as the initial report is in need of refinement and clarity. We know there is frustration in the community, but we are asking for patience as we navigate this process as it is better to go slow and get it right than to move forward with haste and get it wrong. The Strategic Planning process was discussed at the last School Board work session and will be starting shortly. The process involves both long- and short-term goals that aligned with our collective vision and mission. Stakeholder input will be solicited and community input will be significant. More information will be shared in the upcoming months.
District Finance Report:
- Director of Business Services Joe Prom provided an update on district finances.
COVID-19 Report:
- Director of Human Resources Krista Durrwachter provided an update regarding COVID-19.
Public Data Request Report:
- Director of Human Resources Krista Durrwachter reported on the Public Data Request process and those received by the district.
School Board Committee Report:
- Clerk Byrd reported on the recent Communication and Technology Committee meeting; highlights include the change of staff email addresses to, the upcoming District calendar and future student survey that is required by the state.
- Director Meling reported on the Sartell Senior Connection meeting she attended and the group would like to come in front of the School Board and present about their group.
A motion was made by Marushin and seconded by Byrd to APPROVE #1-6; DENY #7:
New Employees/Changes:
Kelly Albright, ORELC, speech language pathologist, $64,506, BA20, Step Q, replacing Heidi Webster, 8/25/2021; Hailey Winter, SHS, JV1 volleyball , $3,990 (9.5%), BA, Step A ($42,002), replacing Brenda Holter, 8/16/2021.
New Employees (pending licensure):
Lindsay Conroy, District, English language, $44,044, replacing Katy Vinje Stark, 8/25/2021.
Leaves of Absence:
Jenna Hauser, SMS, sixth-grade language arts, LOA, 8/30/21-11/12/21; Holly Olson, RIS, para, LOA, 8/30/21-1/5/22; Bob Raab, Grounds, grounds supervisor, LOA, 7/12/21 – 7/23/21; Heidi Webster, District, speech language pathologist, LOA, 21-22 school year.
All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Moehrle and seconded by Meling TO APPROVE DISTRICT EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK REVISIONS AND COACHES/ADVISORS HANDBOOKS AS PRESENTED. All in favor. Motion carried.
Schedule Work Session and Committee Meetings:
- Future Board Work Session – Monday, Aug. 9, 2021 @ District Service Center – 7 p.m.
- Future Regular Board Meeting – Monday, Aug. 16, 2021 @ District Service Center – 5 p.m.
- Discussion was held about live streaming future regular school board meetings
Committee Assignments were reviewed.
A motion to ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:29 p.m. was made by Meling and seconded by Byrd. All in favor. Motion carried.
/s/ Amanda Byrd, clerk
Publish: Aug. 20, 2021