NOV. 15, 2021
The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair Jeremy Snoberger. Members present: Snoberger; Jason Nies, vice chair; Amanda Byrd, clerk; Matt Moehrle, treasurer; Patrick Marushin, director; Tricia Meling, director; and Dr. Jeff Ridlehoover, superintendent. Members absent: none.
A motion was made by Meling and seconded by Marushin to APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. All in favor. Motion carried.
During the public comment opportunity five members of the community addressed the School Board. Chris Yasgar, 39522 115th Ave., spoke on inconsistent application of school policy; Peter J. Wilson, 1108 Celebration Drive, spoke on curriculum, COVID policy and permitted student groups; Kara Zdan, 257 Sunburst Ave., spoke on masks; Rochelle Dyer, 817 Third Ave. N., spoke on respectful dialogue in education; Taryn Gentile, 1067 Lawrence Circle, spoke on student and educator support.
A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Marushin to APPROVE CONSENT ITEMS A.4.a – A.4.f AS PRESENTED BELOW. All in favor. Motion carried.
A.4.a. Minutes of the regular school board meeting held on Oct. 18, 2021
Minutes of the school board work session held on Nov. 8, 2021
A.4.b Checks in the amount of $842,461.15 as presented:
General Fund 530,666.52
Food Service Fund 109,274.65
Transportation Fund 15,646.67
Community Service Fund 7,303.88
Capital Expenditure Fund 156,926.22
Activity Accounts 18,852.40
Custodial Fund 1,000.00
Internal Service Fund 2,790.81
Check numbers 182288 – 182525
ACHs in the amount of $10,027.04 as presented:
General Fund 1,792.96
Community Service Fund 345.30
Activity Accounts 7,888.78
ACH numbers 212200052-212200070
Receipts in the amount of $5,104,885.00 as presented:
General Fund 3,079,366.26
Food Service Fund 294,846.66
Transportation Fund 30,628.87
Community Service Fund 78,780.74
Building Fund 48.12
Debt Service Fund 1,594,391.13
Activity Accounts 11,888.50
Custodial Fund 1,000.00
Internal Service Fund 13,934.72
Receipts 49427 – 49570
Wire transfers in the amount of $1,892,249.58 as presented:
General Fund 1,286,341.53
Food Service Fund 61,000.34
Transportation Fund 19,199.55
Community Service Fund 26,682.72
Capital Expenditure Fund 6,292.20
Internal Service Fund 492,733.24
Wire transfers 202122254 – 202122330
Building Fund Checks in the amount of $87,842.60 as presented:
Building Fund 87,842.60
Check number 601222 – 601224
A.4.c Approve resolution accepting the following donations: Blackberry Ridge Golf Course, Sartell High School, $1,000 of range time, donation for Sartell High School Recreation Activities Class; Sartell-St. Stephen Education Foundation, ISD #748, $24,400, SSEF grants for 2021-22.
A.4.d Accept the resignation of Christine Bostic, SHS, food service worker, 10/29/21; Elizabeth Brylski, ORELC, para, 10/19/21; Dymond Huertas, SHS, cashier, 10/18/21; Tracey Robak, SHS, food service worker, 10/29/21; Elena Stevens, SMS, para, 11/1/21.
A.4.e Approve Design Tree Surveying and Design Proposal
A.4.f Approve Bradbury Stamm Construction Winkelman Management Agreement
Audit Report:
- Nancy Schulzetenberg, from BerganKDV presented the 2020-2021 audit results.
Superintendent Report:
- Superintendent Dr. Jeff Ridlehoover reported on happenings around the district. The Middle School held its annual Veterans’ Day program, a special thanks to speaker Shaun Meling for addressing the students. Teaching staff had a professional learning day last Monday, with the feedback received being very positive. During a visit with high school students this past summer, a new student-led chapter was embraced by a student; the “Bandana Project” which promotes mental health awareness. The District was recently presented an opportunity to work with the local Lions Club in creating an inclusive playground for special-needs children at Sartell Lions Park. There is no financial obligation from the school district, but rather an endorsement. This past month numerous meetings were held with the following: staff members, residents, community members, the local Chamber of Commerce meetings and the CLC governing board. After meeting with staff, there is a recognition of the need to establish a vehicle to talk and communicate with teachers and faculty; this will be called the Coordinating Council. Members of this council will be district and site-based administration and our teacher leaders. The purpose of the council is to work in partnership to discuss concerns and develop solutions. The council will start in January. The process of creating the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school-year calendars will be starting with the formation of a calendar committee. Treasurer Moehrle has agreed to serve on the committee and the goal is to have the calendars presented at the January school board meeting.
Educational Equity and Student Experience Committee Report:
- Superintendent Ridlehoover provided an update on the committee’s progress.
District Finance Report:
- Director of Business Services Joe Prom provided an update on district finances.
COVID-19 Report:
- Director of Human Resources Krista Durrwachter provided an update regarding COVID-19.
School Board Committee Report:
- Clerk Byrd reported on the Technology and Communications committee meeting held on Nov. 1. Topics included the Community Education catalog, expectations of the District Facebook page, the community survey and a brief IT department update.
- Director Meling reported on the Curriculum, Instruction and Advisory committee meeting she attended. Topics included a new phonics program, PLTW grade-level expansion, the student store The Mill is up and running, and academic standards.
- Clerk Byrd reported on the Career and Tech Ed meeting she attended. Topics included class programming at the High School, current student internships and apprenticeships, an update on donation of materials from local business toward the class house build and an update on the Habitat for Humanity build project.
- Director Meling reported on the Sartell Senior Connection meeting she attended. Topics included discussion by the group changing their membership guidelines.
- Director Marushin reported on the recent Special Education Advisory Council meeting he attended. Topics included an opportunity to meet the new Director, Erin Dohrmann; a new program called “help me connect” to help providers connect services to the families; and a staffing update.
A motion was made by Marushin and seconded by Nies to APPROVE #1-39:
New Employees/Changes:
Bethany Belling, SMS, custodian, $19.32/hour, RIII,S2, 8 hours/day, 260 days/year, replacing Kenin Jensen, 12/1/2021; Courtney Birr, SHS, para, $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, replacing Isaiah Wallace, 10/18/2021; Nathan Conway, DSC, server administrator, $65,000/year, increase wage to market rate, 7/1/2021; David Duininck, SMS, robotics advisor, $1,407 (3.35 percent), BA, Step A ($42,002), replacing Luke Miller, 11/15/2021; Mikayla Emslander, PMPS, cafeteria worker, $17.22/hour, RI, S2, 2.75 hours/day, increase in need, 11/9/2021; Jacob Ferguson, SMS, robotics advisor, $1,407 (3.35 percent), BA, Step A ($42,002), new position, 11/15/2021; Jacob Hennigs, SMS, Jazz Band, $945 (2.25 percent), BA, Step A ($42,002), replacing Rachel Miller, 12/1/2021; Nicoline Hill, ORELC, Para, $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 6.5 hours/day, replacing Elizabeth Brylski, 11/1/2021; Steve Janski, DSC, network administrator, $75,000/year, increase wage to market rate, 7/1/2021; Sylvia Kaare, SMS, Sabre ensembles, $968 (2.25 percent), BA, Step B ($43,024), new position, 12/1/2021; Steven Kenne, SHS, custodian, $17.97/hour, RIII, S1, 8 hours/day, 260 days/year, replacing Bethany Belling, 12/1/2021; Alyssa Kingsley, SMS, para, $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, replacing Karen Butler, 10/27/2021; Karen Klein, ORELC, head cook I, $26.71/hour, RV, S6, 7 hrs/day, new position, 10/27/2021; Diane Lee, SFX, Title I, $28.69/hour, replacing Molly Vogt, 11/16/2021; Marilee Lefeber, District, special education clerk, $20.30/hour, RIII, S1, 8 hours/day, new position, 11/11/2021;
Allison Ley, SHS, Target advisor, $1,407 (3.35 percent), BA, Step A ($42,002), replacing Matt Peterson, 12/1/2021; Greta Neigum, RIS, para – LTS, $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, replacing Holly Olson, 11/9/2021; Monique Neussendorfer, RIS, para – LTS, $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, replacing Marilee Lefeber, 11/11/2021; Cheryl Nies, PMPS, cook, $24.07/hour, RIV, S5, 6 hours/day, replacing Karen Klein, 10/27/2021; Brandon Nordhues, SHS, pit conductor, $2,629 (5.35 percent), BA, Step H ($49,145), new position, 4/4/2022; Caitlin O’Brien, RIS, para – LTS, $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, replacing Joy Patino, 11/15/2021; Claire Parks, RIS, food service worker, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 3 hours/day, replacing Leah Saldana, 10/25/2021; Julie Peabody, RIS, Morning cashier, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 1.25 hour/day, increased need, 10/28/2021;
Michelle Sand, RIS, cashier, $16.20/hr, RI, S1, 3 hours/day, replacing Ashley Preusser, 11/9/2021; Diane Santala, SHS, AM cashier, $19.47/hour, RI, S5, 1.25 hour/day, increased need, 10/28/2021; Nathan Schultz, SHS, assistant girls hockey, $4,625 (10.5 percent), BA, Step C ($44,045), updated wage, 11/1/2021; James Sinkel, SHS, Mock Trial advisor, $945 (2.25 percent), BA, Step A ($42,002), replacing Nathan Dahl, 10/27/2021; and Lisa Thielen, SMS, Eighth-grade basketball, $2,667 (6.35 percent), BA, Step A ($42,002), replacing Mallory Johnson.
Leaves of Absence:
Shayna Eichers, SHS, para, LOA, 3/4/21-6/3/22; Michelle Gacke, PMPS, para, LOA, 10/25/21-11/24/21; Hannah Gelhar, SHS, FCS, LOA, 4/7/22-6/7/22; Amanda Holstrom, SHS, ITS/SPED, LOA, 10/4/21-6/7/22; Marilee Lefeber, RIS, para, LOA, 11/11/21-6/3/22; Jody Navratil, ORELC, para, LOA, 11/1/21-6/3/22; Holly Olson, RIS, para, LOA, 8/30/21-2/28/22; Kyle Olson, PMPS/SMS, teacher, LOA, Intermittent 11/9/21-6/7/22; Kristina Peterson, RIS, para, LOA, 11/2/21-6/3/22; Laura Sobania, SHS, food service, LOA, 10/25/21-11/12/21; Carol Williamson, SMS, cook, LOA, 10/25/21-11/28/21; and Anne Zidon, SHS, ELA, LOA, 2/28/22-6/7/22.
All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Moehrle and seconded by Meling TO APPROVE THE AUDIT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2021. All in favor. Motion carried.
Schedule Work Session and Committee Meetings:
- Future Board Work Session – 6:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 1 at Sartell High School
- Future Regular Board Meeting & Truth in Taxation – 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 20 at Sartell High School
Official Review of Policies:
The Board had the second reading of adoption of policy 908.
Committee Assignments were reviewed.
A motion to ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:31 p.m. was made by Meling and seconded by Moehrle. All in favor. Motion carried.
/s/ Amanda Byrd, clerk
Publish: Dec. 24, 2021