OCT. 18, 2021
The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 6:34 p.m. by Chair Jeremy Snoberger. Members present: Snoberger, chair; Jason Nies, vice chair; Amanda Byrd, clerk; Matt Moehrle, treasurer; Patrick Marushin, director; Tricia Meling, director; and Dr. Jeff Ridlehoover, superintendent. Members absent: none.
A motion was made by Marushin and seconded by Nies to APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. All in favor. Motion carried.
During the public comment opportunity, three members of the community addressed the school board. Steven Kron, 412 Pheasant Drive, spoke on topic of district compliance; Chris Yasgar, 39522 115 Ave, spoke on the topic of policy revisions; Kelsey Yasgar, 1413 4th St. N., spoke on the topic of the school board’s management of the district.
A motion was made by Moehrle and seconded by Meling to APPROVE CONSENT ITEMS A.4.a – A.4.d AS PRESENTED BELOW. All in favor. Motion carried.
A.4.a. Minutes of the regular school board meeting held on Sept. 20, 2021
Minutes of the school board work session held on Sept. 8, 2021
A.4.b Checks in the amount of $1,249,187.16 as presented:
General Fund 712,096.45
Food Service Fund 178,290.73
Transportation Fund 252,003.09
Community Service Fund 29,962.76
Capital Expenditure Fund 74,423.81
Activity Accounts 1,183.67
Internal Service Fund 1,226.65
Check numbers 182047 – 182287
ACHs in the amount of $6,763.48 as presented:
General Fund 4,945.00
Food Service Fund 298.81
Community Service Fund 25.42
Capital Expenditure Fund 23.09
Activity Accounts 1,471.16
ACH numbers 212200031-212200051
Receipts in the amount of $4,606,492.71 as presented:
General Fund 4,169,133.89
Food Service Fund 69,353.95
Transportation Fund 87,216.29
Community Service Fund 139,697.50
Capital Expenditure Fund 26,869.92
Building Fund 55.46
Debt Service Fund 98,276.66
Activity Accounts 4,352.00
Internal Service Fund 11,537.04
Receipts 49275 – 49426
Wire transfers in the amount of $1,542,138.75 as presented:
General Fund 1,038,949.83
Food Service Fund 54,412.05
Transportation Fund 21,772.73
Community Service Fund 25,352.10
Capital Expenditure Fund 2,570.75
Internal Service Fund 399,081.29
Wire transfers 202122176 – 202122253
Building Fund Checks in the amount of $167,972.98 as presented:
Building Fund 167,972.98
Check number 601220 – 601221
A.4.c Approve resolution accepting the following donations;
Ramanathan, Gajendranathan, Riverview Intermediate School, one trombone and one trumpet, donation to RIS music department; Tony and Elise Dingmann Fund of Central Minnesota Community Foundation, Sartell High School, $2,539.33, high school band program, United Way/PFSS, ISD #748, three $50 gift cards, school supplies; United Way/PFSS, ISD #748, misc. school supplies, school supplies for students.
A.4.d Accept the resignation of Dianne Amundson, Transportation, bus driver, 10/7/21; Christine Duininck, SHS, food service worker, 10/15/21; Jill Peterson, ORELC, cashier, 10/5/21; Ashley Preusser, RIS, cashier, 10/19/21; Kenin Jensen, SMS, custodian, 10/22/21; Leah Saldana, RIS, food service worker, 10/25/21.
Superintendent Report:
- Dr. Jeff Ridlehoover reported on happenings around the district. Throughout the last month, he has enjoyed being able to talk to and meet with District stakeholders from a wide range of groups including: the Chamber of Commerce, Sartell Senior Connection, Lions Club and numerous students, parents and staff members. District enrollment is currently at a total of 4,088, reflecting some first-month changes. The Equity and Student Experience Committee has continued to meet, with the group breaking out into 10 subcommittees. The committee will meet again in December. The Riverview Intermediate playground will be installed this week with help from community volunteers. The Open Forum sign-up process has been modified based on feedback received since the last work session. The process has been positive for communication and afforded some good conversations. Additional thanks were given to the open forum speakers for their professionalism. Congratulations and recognition was given to the 10 certified staff receiving continuing contract status this school year. The supply chain issues continue to cause meal changes in the food service department, resulting in last-minute changes to some menu items due to certain food item availability. In closing, a video of the Sartell High School’s industrial arts department’s Habitat for Humanity home build was shared with the school board.
District Finance Report:
- Director of Business Services Joe Prom provided an update on district finances.
COVID-19 Report:
- Director of Human Resources Krista Durrwachter provided an update regarding COVID-19.
School Board Committee Report:
- Clerk Byrd reported on the recent policy committee meeting and the new Memorial Policy set for the first reading on tonight’s agenda.
A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Moehrle to APPROVE #1-39:
New Employees/Changes:
Bethany Belling, SHS, custodian, $19.32/hour, RIII,S2, 8 hours/day, 260 days/year, replacing Mike Lashinski, 10/6/2021; Christine Bostic, SHS, food service worker, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 3 hours/day, replacing Janice Olson, 9/23/2021; Linnea Bouri, PMPS, student supervisor, $14.15/hour, RI, S1, 2.25 hours/day, updated wage, 9/13/2021; Karen Butler, RIS, para, $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hrs/day, new position, 10/15/2021; Michael Carlson, SHS, Big Brothers, Big Sisters advisor, $1,407 (3.35 percent), BA, Step A ($42,002), replacing Emily Meyer, 9/28/2021; Rhonda Conda, ORELC, cashier, $18.67/hour, RI, S4, replacing Jill Peterson, 10/6/2021; David Deminsky, RIS, physical education, $42,055, BA, Step E, .9126 FTE, replacing Mitchell Keeler, 9/27/2021; Zach Dinndorf, District, information technology – Level I, $19.05/hour, 180 days/year, replacing Jasmyn Williams, 10/4/2021; Robert Dyer, SMS, building supervisor/para, $18.89/hour, RIV, S3, 8 hours/day, replacing Amy Reinert, 10/21/2021; Debra Edelbrock, ORELC, cafeteria worker, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 2.5 hours/day, replacing Joyce Haider, 9/27/2021; Zachary Ewald, RIS, lead custodian, $21.83/hour, RIV, S3, 8 hours/day, replacing Bev Wiebe, 10/1/2021; Anita Gruenhagen, ORELC, ECFE teacher, $32.50/hour, new position, 9/28/2021; Joyce Haider, ORELC, food service worker, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 3 hours/day, new position, 9/21/2021; Nicoline Hill, ORELC, para – LTS, $16.75/hr, RIV, S1, varies, replacing Kathy Mugg, 10/8/2021; Amanda Holstrom, SHS, assistant principal – LTS, $78,351, .7462 FTE, replacing Nick Peterson, 10/4/2021; Dymond Huertas, SHS, cashier, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 3 hours/day, replacing Rhonda Conda, 10/7/2021; Greg Jamison, SHHS, head Nordic ski, $5,163 (12 percent), Ba, Step B ($43,024), replacing Joe Teff, 9/28/2021; Brenda Koltes, ORELC, para, $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 6.5 hours/day, replacing Lucia Laituri, 9/30/2021; Tyler LaBonne, SHS, head gymnastics, $6,653 (12.5 percent), BA, Step L $53,224), replacing Briquelle Joseph, 9/21/2021; Mike Lashinski, SMS, lead custodian, $24.07/hour, RIV, S5, 8 hours/day, replacing Brian Larson, 10/1/2021; Aimee Miron, District, COVID-19 testing coordinator, $30/hour, new position, 10/4/2021; Kim Mitchell, SHS, temporary head cook, $26.94/hour, RVIII, S5, 8 hours/day, replacing Laura Solt, 10/6/2021; Julie Peabody, SMS, cashier, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 3 hours/day, replacing Jeannie Stelten, 9/20/2021; Julie Peabody, RIS, morning cashier, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 1 hour/day, new position, 9/17/2021; Jill Peterson, ORELC, para, $16.75/hour, RI, S1, 6.5 hours/day, replacing Megan VanHeel, 10/6/2021; Roger Reder, ORELC, part-time cleaner, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 4 hours/day, 185 days/year, feplacing Haley Robben, 9/27/2021; Amy Reinert, SMS, para, $18.03/hour, RIV, S2, 7 hours/day, updated wage, 8/30/2021;
Mike Rolfzen, SMS, custodian, $17.97/hour, RIII, S1, 8 hours/day, 260 days/year, replacing Zach Ewald, 10/11/2021; Hannah Ross, SHS, fall play technical director, $704 (3.35 percent), BA, Step A ($42,002), 50-percent contract, new position, 9/21/2021; Melissa Rothstein, SMS, MTSS reading interventionist, $38,268, BA, Step C ($44,044), .8688 FTE, replacing Krista Ziemer, 10/4/2021; Michelle Sand, ORELC, morning cashier, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 1.5 hours/day, replacing Jill Peterson, 10/5/2021; Jared Saue, SHS, head boys tennis, $3,990 (9.5 percent), BA, Step A ($42,002), replacing Marcus Oistad, 3/15/2022; Tawnee Studeman, PMPS, para, $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 6.5 hours/day, new position, 9/27/2021; Lynn Tchida, ORELC, parent educator, $32.50/hour, new position, 9/29/2021; Isaiah Wallace, SMS, para, $18.03/hour, RIV, S2, 7 hours/day, replacing Robert Dyer, 10/21/2021.
Leaves of Absence:
Beth Driste, SHS, Spanish, LOA, 11/12/21-11/24/21; Mike Maurer, SMS, sixth grade, LOA, 9/27/21-1/20/22; Molly Meier, ORELC, kindergarten, LOA, 1/4/22-6/7/22; Chelsey Reimer, RIS, fourth grade, LOA, 1/20/22-4/14/22.
All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Byrd and seconded by Marushin TO APPROVE REVISIONS TO POLICIES 401, 404, 418, 419, 420, 422 and 504. All in favor. Motion carried.
Schedule Work Session and Committee Meetings:
- Future Board Work Session – Monday, Nov. 8 @ Sartell High School – 5 p.m.
- Future Regular Board Meeting – Monday, Nov. 15 @ Sartell High School – 6:30 p.m.
Official Review of Policies:
The Board had the first reading of adoption of policy 908.
Committee Assignments were reviewed
A motion to ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:01 p.m. was made by Meling and seconded by Nies. All in favor. Motion carried.
/s/ Amanda Byrd, clerk
Publish: Nov. 26, 2021