by Dennis Dalman
Once again, evaluation scores for Sartell public schools show students performing above the state in proficiency targets for all subjects and sub-categories.
The parochial school, St. Francis Xavier Elementary, also did very well in the ratings, with a final rating of 81.30 percent.
Recently, the Minnesota Multiple Measurement Ratings results were released statewide. They show all four Sartell schools are doing very well in four assessment categories, which are the following:
Proficiency: Did the school meet its performance target?
Individual Student Growth: Did individual students meet their growth target? Are all students making expected progress?
Closing the Achievement Gap: Did the school make progress closing its achievement gaps?
Graduation Rate: In the case of high schools, did the school increase its graduation rate?
In each of those categories, schools can receive 25 points maximum. For the total score (those categories added up), the most elementary schools can receive is 75 points (since the graduation category is excluded) whereas high schools can earn up to 100 points.
In Proficiency, all four of Sartell’s schools received the maximum points – 25.
Growth points were as follows: Oak Ridge Elementary 13.34, Pine Meadow Elementary 13.83, Sartell Middle School 19.95, Sartell High School 14.41.
For Gap Reduction, the points are as follows: ORE 9.40; PME 13.97; SMS 17.65, SHS 15.92.
The Graduation Rate for Sartell High School was the max of 25 points.
The final ratings for each school were: ORE 63.66 percent, PME 70.40 percent, SMS 82.13 percent, SHS 80.34 percent.
The MMR was developed in 2011 in Minnesota when the state decided to opt out of the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act.
“We continue to have strong scores and our schools have made gains in areas based on this measurement system,” said Jeff Schwiebert, Sartell-St. Stephen School District superintendent. “Being new to Minnesota, I find the amount of data and depth of the rating system to be quite impressive. While our school continues to be above average in their overall ratings, we strive to continually improve our practice. The data provides evidence to help us carry out that task.”
Director of Learning Services Kay Nelson also weighed in on the ratings result.
“Each school site,” she said, “will work with the data provided from the MMR system to identify areas of strength and needed growth. The information aids in driving continuous improvement efforts in our schools, ultimately resulting in improved student achievement.