(Editor’s note: The following is an open letter to St. Joseph’s residents posted on the city’s website by new St. Joseph Mayor Adam Scepaniak, who was sworn into office at the Jan. 6 city council meeting.)
“Hello Everyone in St. Joseph!
“Yes, the rumors are true. Our wonderful Mayor, Rick Schultz, has retired and I, Adam Scepaniak, was elected to be your Mayor. Firstly, I want to thank everyone who cast their vote for me. I hope to not only live up to, but also exceed, your expectations in this role as your Mayor. For those who did not vote for me, I equally hope to earn your respect as I work to make St. Joseph an even better town than it already is.
“For those who may not be familiar with who I am, ever since I established roots in St. Joseph six years ago, I have aimed to make a difference where I can. I have been a member of the St. Joseph Fire Department for five years, volunteer at the St. Joseph Food Shelf with my wife, participate in the St. Joseph Lions Club, teach Youth Firearms Safety with the St. Joseph Rod & Gun Club, was elected to your City Council, participate on the Planning Commission and was the Acting Mayor of St. Joseph for all of 2024 (pseudo-vice president role).
“My wife, Andrea, and I recently welcomed our first child, Forrest, and are in love with being new parents . . . but sure miss sleeping (who wants to go for coffee?). We have two spunky peg-legged corgis, honeybees and love being outdoors. If we’re not volunteering or working, you’ll likely catch us at The Local Blend, Snap Fitness or on the Lake Wobegon Trail.
“Busy as I am, I still make it a priority to be responsive to texts, calls and emails as fast as possible. If you have an idea, concern, comment, quip, anecdote or joke, send it my way! (I’m currently trying to accrue an inventory of Dad jokes – this is all new to me).
“The City of St. Joseph is a rad city and a groovy place to call home. That’s why we’re all here. My job as your Mayor is to not muck it up! Instead, I strive to build the city up, grow it and improve it. I am your liaison, being informed for you and informed by you. Feel free to reach out at any time.”