Three seats are now open for two City of Sartell commissions.
The Sartell Planning Commission has two seats (three-year terms each) available for appointment by the city council. The Sartell Economic Development Commission has one seat (a three-year term) available.
All applications for those positions must be received at city hall by noon Wednesday, Nov. 20.
Prospective volunteers for the planning commission should have an interest in long-range planning and visioning principals, along with an understanding of annexation and land-development issues. Those who apply for the economic-development commission should have an interest in fostering economic development efforts for the city. No special experience is required to be on either of the commissions.
The economic-development commission meets at 7 a.m. on the third Tuesday of every month. The planning commission meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first Monday of every month.
The openings on the two commissions happened when two members of the planning commission, Corey Hansen and Bill Worzala, decided they did not want to be reappointed. Lisa Maurer of the economic-development commission has served nine years on the commission and will step down. The maximum term anyone can serve on a city commission is three consecutive three-year terms for a total of nine years.
Anyone interested should contact or visit Sartell City Hall for an application. The number is 320-253-2171.