(I am a senior in Sartell High School. I came to Minnesota last year from Pakistan. I was an alien and an outsider. I am so grateful to this society and the people of this society. I prepared a speech for our graduation party, but was rejected to deliver a speech on graduation night. I am not satisfied with this. It was an opportunity for me to say thanks. I would like you to publish my speech in the Sartell Newsleader. It would be my last opportunity to pay tribute and say thanks for the great favors of this society to me as an outsider.)
Yasir Malik, a senior at Sartell High School
It was a new world – all new world, people, language, society, way of living – everything. I had apprehension; I was preparing myself to adjust. But my teachers, counselors, you made Sartell High School my next home. Once a wise man Ali ibn abi talib said: “One who taught me even single word made me his slave.”
I am greatly honored and proud to be a part of this prestigious institution. I came to Minnesota last year from Pakistan. Sartell High School was the first place where I was introduced to the United States. I must say, I can’t forget the warm welcome I received by the guidance office at Sartell High School. I sent them an email when I was in Pakistan. When I entered into the guidance office for admission, they asked me about that email. I was so impressed by their love of their work. I visited the school with AJ Fleming. I asked AJ about homeroom. He told me, but due to the U.S. accent, I could not follow him. I went to guidance office for help about homeroom. I was so impressed the nice lady stood up from her seat and took me to my homeroom. She could have directed me or sent any student to help, but she escorted me to that room. That is a gesture I will never ever forget.
Then later on my first day, I forgot where my fourth-block room was and the bell had rung so I approached a lady who was walking ahead of me and asked her for help and without any hesitation she turned back and took me downstairs and led me to the room. I was so surprised by her helping behavior. I was so amazed there is also a teacher for those whose first language is not English, which indeed was a great favor.
Today, I feel really proud I got a chance to meet some of the most amazing personalities here, the great mentors of this nation. I have many great memories in my mind, which due to the lack of space, I am unable to mention/tell. I would be extremely unjust and biased if I would just mention one teacher. They are all not only great teachers but also very humble and soft-speaking human beings. They are extremely diligent, sincere, honest, benevolent, compassionate, gentle, caring, helping and always encouraging. English is my second language and I would specially like to say thank you so much from the bottom of my heart on the great favor of my teachers for me.
Teaching is a great profession; the best people in the history of mankind chose this. It was the occupation of messengers of Almighty. I strongly and truly believe no one can pay back the great favors and services of a teacher. They are just always giving. My dear teachers you will be remembered. One day, I was thinking what makes Sartell a unique place to live in Minnesota; the simple answer is it’s Sartell High School. It’s not just the brick and mortar building of Sartell High School or it’s classrooms, which are equipped with the latest technology. It’s the great management, teachers and hardworking students who make it a distinguished place.
There are many sweet memories I will cherish all my life. Like every young man here, I have my vision, goals and objectives, and I don’t know where I will go in future. But Sartell High School will be above all. Every thing will be next to it. Sartell High School lies in Sartell and up until now I walked in these corridors, but from now on Sartell High School has got a new home in my heart.
Lastly, I would just like to say once again, it’s a great pride and privilege for me to be a part of this esteemed institution. Thank you so much. Long live Sartell High School.