Celebration set Sept. 26 for 1994 football champs
Former Sartell High School football teammates will celebrate their 1994 State Championship victory at a Sartell Sabres home game against Grand Rapids on Friday, Sept. 26. A special honor will go to former Sartell High School head football coach Dean Taylor, who led the team to the extraordinary triumph. It’s the only time in the nearly 50-year history of Sartell High School the football team took top state honors. That victory was the culmination of a 14-0 season for the Sabres. After the Sept. 26 game, former athletes, their families, friends and supporters are encouraged to gather at the House of Pizza in Sartell for more reminiscing and celebrating. For more information, email Adam Herbst at aherbst@csbsju.edu.
Genealogy organizing set Sept. 16 at history museum
Join other avid genealogists from 10-11 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 16 at the Stearns History Museum for an instructional webinar on “Organizing Your Genealogy.” Lori Bessler, reference librarian and outreach coordinator at the Wisconsin Historical Society Library Archives, will be the presenter.
The best way to get more out of your family research is to have it well organized. This webinar provides practical advice on organizing the information you have gathered, analyzing that information and then going forward with your research. You will find something useful in this webinar whether you organize with binders or software.
About the Presenter: Bessler has worked at the Wisconsin Historical Society Library Archives, one of the top five genealogical libraries in North America, since 1988. She has lectured throughout Wisconsin and the Midwest on genealogical topics for more than 25 years and has been researching family history for more than 35 years.
Please RSVP to Leah, 320-253-8424 or by email info@stearns-museum.org. Feel free to contact Adam Smith (asmith@stearns-museum.org) with any questions or for more details.
The Stearns County Highway Department is holding an auction to sell excess right-of-way properties. There are five properties for sale. Two of the properties are in St. Cloud and have homes, one is an office building in St. Joseph, another the former park and ride in St. Joseph, and a wetland in Big Stone County.
The four local properties will be sold by auction on the property site. Auctions will occur in two-hour intervals, beginning at 10 a.m. and going throughout the day on Thursday, Sept. 18. The property in Big Stone County will be sold through an online auction.
Interested persons can go to Stearns County’s website at StearnsCountyMN.gov to see the auction flyer and get minimum-bid price, terms and conditions of the sale, auction times, preview dates, see photos and get more details about each of the properties.
United Way Volunteer Opportunities
Over 300 volunteers needed for Day of Caring
United Way of Central Minnesota will host a Day of Caring on Sept. 25. Day of Caring is designed to bring people together to volunteer on community projects. The day will begin with a kick-off breakfast at United Way’s office from 7:30-8:30 a.m. Volunteers will be provided with a continental breakfast during the kick-off and a free T-shirt (T-shirts can be picked up on Sept. 18 at the United Way office and worn on Day of Caring). This is a great opportunity to volunteer with co-workers, friends, family and service groups for your community. Projects include painting, packaging food, fall clean-up, children’s activities, crafts and Kids Fighting Hunger from 6-8 p.m. Project sign-up will be available on our website until Sept. 12. Visit www.unitedwayhelps.org to register today. Contact Mary Krippner, community volunteer coordinator, at 320-223-7991.
Volunteer as an advocate
Central MN Sexual Assault Center is a 24-hour crisis-intervention agency providing direct services to those people affected by any form of sexual violence. The center’s purpose is to offer non-judgmental, confidential, free, direct services to victims of sexual assault, their partners, families, coworkers and friends. They are looking for Volunteer Sexual Assault Advocates. Volunteer sexual assault advocates provide information and guidance to sexual assault victims on the 24-hour crisis phone line, at medical facilities and at law-enforcement centers. Shifts fall on evenings and weekends. A 40-hour training is required prior to volunteering as an advocate. The next 40-hour training will start on Monday, Oct. 6 and will consist of Monday evenings and two Saturdays. Visit www.cmsac.org or call 320-251-4357 for details.
Reading buddy at Roosevelt Boys, Girls Club
Help a child read and volunteer in our Super Readers program. A volunteer is needed to listen to children read on a one-to one basis, spending 10 minutes per child. Volunteers must be patient and comfortable working in an active environment; however reading does take place in a quiet space. Reading takes place from 4-6 p.m. Thursdays during the academic year at their Roosevelt location. They only ask volunteers be able to relate well with children in a group environment, participate as an active team member with staff and other volunteers, and abide by volunteer policies. They require a minimum commitment of 20 hours during a three-month period. Volunteers will need to go through an enrollment process (includes interview and orientation). All volunteers are asked to complete a criminal background check before their first volunteer experience. Apply at www.bgcmn.org. Contact Bethany Theisen at 320-257-5115 or btheisen@bgcmn.org.
Share sewing talents with residents at Country Manor Campus
Country Manor Campus is looking for a volunteer who is willing to share sewing talents with their care-center residents. If you enjoy sewing, then this is the perfect volunteer opportunity for you. Volunteer menders and sewers are responsible for repairing resident clothing, sewing seams, sewing on buttons, repairing hems and darning socks. New-resident clothing often needs name tags sewn into them as well. There are often special projects for our menders to work on as well including wheelchair, catheter and walker bags. We have a sewing machine available for your use, along with donated material, thread, buttons and other accessories. Volunteer must have basic sewing and mending skills as well as knowledge of and ability to operate a standard sewing machine. This volunteer is requested to come in one time per week for a period of two to three hours (flexible based on what works for the volunteer). Contact Jacquie Hartman at 320-253-1920.
For more information, contact Mary Krippner, United Way volunteer engagement coordinator, at 320-223-7991 or mkrippner@unitedwayhelps.org.
Parkinson’s group to meet Sept. 15
Independent Lifestyles in Sauk Rapids is now the facilitator for the St. Cloud Area Parkinson’s Disease Support Group. There is no cost to attend, and the meetings are open to those diagnosed with Parkinson’s, their families, caregivers and the general public. The PD Support Group welcomes new members, and meetings are held from 1-2:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 15 and the third Monday of each month at the St. Cloud Regional Library. The group provides support, education and awareness about the disease. The PD Support Group has been in existence for about 35 years, and was founded by Marilyn Murray and Evie Mitchell. The originators’ goals became the mission statement: “A supportive group of people reaching out to individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, their caregivers and individuals affected by or concerned about Parkinson Disease. Our main purpose is to learn about Parkinson’s disease together, find ways to live life to the fullest with it, and to support one another at the same time.” To this day the group is still running strong, with nearly 80 members in the St. Cloud area. For further information about the group, please call Independent Lifestyles at 320-529-9000.
Letting Go poetry set Sept. 16 at Whitney
Letting Go poetry will be held from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 16 at Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. Of summer, of warm days and long, splendid nights, of a slightly more gentle pace, of friends and family who go back where they came from. We know that “letting go” is important; we must move on. But let’s cherish and laugh at and find the surprises in much good poetry – before we let it go. 320-255-7245.
Stretching techniques taught Sept. 16 at Whitney
Learn 12 exercises that can be done in five minutes for a total body workout from noon to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 16 at Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. Correct stretching techniques can keep you flexible and limber, with only a few short minutes per day. This class will be taught by a 65-year-old American Council on Exercise-certified personal trainer who feels it’s never too early or late to pursue your health and wellness goals. Advanced registration required. Course ID: 105. 320-255-7245.
Thursday Humanities shows the 1962 French film Jules and Jim free at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 18 in Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. Set before, during and after the Great War in several different parts of France, Austria and Germany, this film portrays a love triangle involving two male friends and an impulsive woman. Follow the three throughout their relationship over several decades. 320-255-7245.