If you have a tip concerning a crime, call the Sartell Police Department at 320-251-8186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301, or access its tip site at tricountycrimestoppers.org. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for a crime.
Aug. 21
11:17 p.m. Ordinance violation. Riverside Avenue N. While an officer was on routine patrol, they noticed people playing basketball in the park after hours. The officer made contact and the people were understanding and left the park for the night.
Aug. 22
2:50 a.m. Suspicious person. Sixth Avenue S. An officer was requested to respond to the listed location to check the area. The complainant stated he saw someone running through his backyard, and two more people walking on the street. A Stearns County Deputy was in the area and located two juveniles in the park nearby. The juveniles ran, then stopped. Both parties told the deputy there was seven to nine juveniles in the area hanging out. The two juveniles were identified, parents were contacted and verbal warnings given on curfew violations.
Aug. 23
12:38 a.m. Agency assist. Second Street SE. A Benton County deputy requested a Sartell officer assist in unlocking a vehicle at the St. Cloud campground. The officer was informed that locked inside the vehicle was a special baby formula that was needed. The owner of the vehicle had tried calling other companies to unlock the vehicle but the soonest would be the following morning. The officer responded and was able to unlock the vehicle without issue.
Aug. 24
9:28 a.m. Theft from vehicle. Amber Avenue S. The complainant called dispatch stating someone unknown to him had gone through his vehicle between 9:15 p.m. and 8:15 a.m. this morning. The complainant stated he was too busy to file a report but wanted to let the police department know. He was missing about $15 worth of change.
Aug. 25
12:21 a.m. Suspicious vehicle. Third Avenue N. While an officer was on routine patrol, they witnessed a vehicle pull into the Riverview Intermediate School parking lot. The officer made contact with the driver and identified her. The driver informed the officer she was there to run her dog.
Aug. 26
9:58 a.m. Agency assist. River Oaks Lane. Sartell officers were requested in assisting Stearns County with a possible burglary in progress at an empty boarded-up home. Sartell officers arrived on scene and checked the home; all windows and doors were still tightly boarded up. Further investigation revealed due to timing it most likely was a deputy in an unmarked squad doing a walk around the home.
Aug. 27
4:47 p.m. DWI. Second Street S. Dispatch was notified of a male who appeared to be sleeping in a drive-through. A second caller called dispatch stating the male appeared to be sleeping; he was breathing but not responding. The second caller stated he had shut the truck off. The officer entered the vehicle and shook the driver, who then woke up and was able to speak to the officer. The officer asked questions to see if the driver was experiencing a medical emergency. After a short period of time, it became apparent to the officer the driver was under the influence of a substance. The officers placed the male under arrest without incident. The officers were also informed the male had a warrant for his arrest. The male was transported to the Stearns County Jail and left in their care.
Aug. 28
7:14 a.m. Verbal. Terry Lane. A complainant called dispatch requesting to speak to an officer about a construction worker starting work at 7 a.m. on a Saturday morning. Dispatch informed the complainant the city noise ordinance didn’t apply as it was after 7 a.m. The complainant also stated the two had engaged in a verbal argument and the workers had sworn at her. The officer arrived on scene and spoke to the construction worker. The worker said the female came outside and instantly started yelling and swearing at him and his son. The complainant’s son was also outside yelling at the workers. The worker did say he did use a swear word toward her when he told her to go back inside. The officer offered to speak to the complainant and her son, but the worker wanted to be left alone, to get the job done since he had been rained out earlier in the week.
Aug. 29
12:47 a.m. Loud music. Fourth Avenue NE. A complainant called dispatch stating there was loud music in the cul de sac coming from a garage. The officer made contact with the homeowner and the homeowner stated they were done partying for the night. The officer did hear music, but the talking had been louder than the music.
Aug. 30
11:18 a.m. Found property. Glacier Avenue. Dispatch was notified someone had found two hypodermic needles, cased and empty laying in the grass right off the sidewalk. The officer collected the items and destroyed them per Sartell Police Department’s policy.
Aug. 31
11:04 a.m. Assist person. Pinecone Road N. An officer on routine patrol noticed a girl sitting on the walking path with her bike next to her and a few friends standing around. The officer turned his squad around and spoke to the girls. He found the girl had fallen off her bike and had a few scrapes. The officer helped bandage them up for her. The group was about to bike away when they realized her bike was damaged. A parent was called and responded to the location.
Sept. 1
12:03 p.m. Abandoned. First Street NE. An officer was dispatched to a parking lot for an out-of-state vehicle that had been left there for three weeks and appeared to have two bullet holes in it. The officer arrived and witnessed the two bullet holes in the vehicle, but it did not appear to be new. The officer was able to locate mail in the rear seat of the vehicle and ran a local check on the name. The female had no local contacts. The officer had dispatch teletype Dallas Police Department to check the last known address. Dallas Police were unable to make contact with the owner. The officer contacted the complainant of what he had found out.
Sept. 2
8:55 a.m. Information call. Pinecone Road N. Sartell City Maintenance called to inform an officer that a roundabout had been toilet papered at Pinecone Road and 27th Street and the trees near 15th Street N. Maintenance had cleaned the area up but wanted the police department to be aware.
Sept. 3
1:59 p.m. Gunshots. 10th Avenue N. Stearns County Dispatch and Sartell Police Department received numerous calls within a 20-minute timeframe of people hearing gun shots in the area. The officers were able to narrow down area where the shots possibly had come from. A few callers confirmed it sounded like a rifle. One officer used a Noptic camera looking for heat sensitivity in the woods, while two officers were out on foot checking the area and a fourth officer was driving the area. Nothing was found.
Sept. 4
11:53 p.m. Suspicious vehicle. Fifth Street N. A Sartell reserve officer was out on patrol when they noticed a vehicle parked in the Pine Meadow Elementary School parking lot. The Reserve made contact with the driver of the car; he was shooting baskets on the basketball court. The driver was advised to leave the school grounds because of the time of night. The driver left the area without incident.
Sept. 5
8:21 p.m. Suspicious activity. Seventh Street N. While an officer was sitting stationary in the area, he heard two very loud explosions. The explosions seemed to be coming from the area to the south of the school. The officer checked the area but was unable to find anything.
Sept. 6
4:04 a.m. Unwanted. Twin Rivers Court. An officer was dispatched to a business for an unwanted party. The caller stated when they showed up to work there was a vehicle parked in the parking lot with two parties sleeping inside. The caller stated there was going to be construction today and the vehicle could not be there. The officer spoke to the driver of the vehicle, who was asleep. The driver stated he was using the wi-fi. The officer asked him to leave the parking lot and the driver did.