Local elections are heating up, and we have the information you need to know right at your fingertips. Below, find links to all of our election coverage, sorted by race.
St. Joseph Mayor
St. Joseph City Council (elect 2)
St. Cloud School Board (elect 3)
Letters to the Editor
Reader says council needs to be more open, transparent
Letter in response to ‘Reader claims half-cent sales tax benefits few’
Advocate says Kendall deserves to be re-elected county attorney
Bromenschenkel wishes to set record straight
Reader endorses Bromenschenkel for Stearns County Sheriff
Resident believes ballot box is great equalizer
Reader corrects voter assumption in Stearns County attorney race
Reader supports Bromenshenkel for Stearns County sheriff bid
Reader says Sheriff Sanner not deserving of re-election
Reader claims half-cent sales tax benefits few
Reader urges others to vote Bromenschenkel for Sheriff
Reader believes in Simon for Secretary of State
Reader urges others to vote Sanner for Sheriff
Concerned citizen implores others to attend Monday meeting
Citizen supports Killam for council
Killam committed to making St. Joseph a better place
Local-option sales tax to be discussed July 21
Opinion pieces
Perske would serves us well as representative in Washington
Please vote ‘yes’ to tax extension
Related stories
Freshman representative and CSB senior face off in 13A race
Voters to choose mayor, council members
It’s easy to register to vote on election day
Traut runs unopposed in St. Stephen election
Mayor Schultz explains sales-tax ballot question
Task force to examine city’s facilities needs
Voters can vote absentee in person or via mail