2014 marks the centennial year for the City of St. Stephen. On May 2, 1914, an election took place at the Hall of Frank Vouk on the second floor for the purpose of voting for or against the incorporation of the Village of St. Stephen. Of the 41 votes cast, 30 were for incorporation.
One-hundred years later, it’s time to celebrate “St. Stephen: A Place to Call Home.” Help is needed prior to the centennial and on the day of the celebration. A planning meeting will be held at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, March 9 at the City Hall. Those interested in helping with the Centennial celebration are asked to attend the meeting.
A centennial celebration will take place beginning Friday, July 18 with a car show in the east lot of the Church of St. Stephen.
On Saturday, July 19, the city will host a parade. The parade will travel through St. Stephen along CR 2. The parade will begin in the area of Trobec’s Bus Service and will end at the Smoley Addition on the north end of town. Invitations will be going out to city and area businesses to participate. Families and neighborhoods are also welcome to participate in the parade.
Following the parade, activities for children and food booths will be set up around the ball field in the Smoley Addition.
At 8 p.m., residents and visitors can enjoy the music of “2 Mile Final” from Big Lake. It’s a country/southern rock band that has performed throughout the Midwest. During the band’s 10 p.m. break, a fireworks show will take place over the upper ball field in the Smoley Addition.
A centennial photo album is being assembled with the help of Verdell Rudolph and Anita Smoley. Those two women are working to collect photos of St. Stephen’s history. Residents are asked to contact them or the city with contributions. Digital copies are being made of pictures, and the originals are being returned. The album will be for sale on the day of the celebration.
The city would also like to borrow family memorabilia to display at City Hall.
Please contact Cindy VanderWeyst at 320-529-8498 or Cris Drais at 320-253-7946 if you’re able to help and unable to attend the March 9 meeting.