by Cori Hilsgen
Jacob Richter is an active teenager – an avid outdoorsman who enjoys hunting, fishing, archery and other activities. He is also an athlete and plays hockey and baseball.
Richter, 13, is in seventh-grade at Kennedy Community School. He is the son of Ladawna Ruth and Jeff Richter. He has one brother – Darryn, 5.
Fun Facts about Jacob Richter :
Favorite subject: Math
“I enjoy crunching numbers,” Richter said.
Activities he is involved with: Hockey, baseball, hunting, fishing, archery and trap shooting.
Richter has played hockey for eight years. He plays defense. He has played baseball for the last two years and is a catcher for the team.
“Being active is the best part of sports,” Richter said.
Favorite leisure activity: Hunting, fishing, playing hockey, trap shooting and being outdoors.
Richter does not favor being indoors, but would rather be active outdoors. He likes having quiet time by himself when he is outdoors. One of his favorite outdoor activities is fishing with his father and grandfather in the winter and summer. He has the best luck early in both seasons. He also does trap shooting of clay pigeons behind his grandparents’ house in the country.
Favorite movie: “Miracle”
“Because it’s about hockey,” Richter said.
Favorite music: Country
Favorite restaurant: Buffalo Wild Wings
“Because I like hot wings,” Richter said.
Favorite food: Hot wings
Favorite thing he likes to help other people do: Helping his grandfather split wood.
Richter spends time helping his grandpa, “Ray,” split wood by hand and with a wood splitter. He also helps do yard work, recycles metals and does other jobs around the house.
Favorite quote:
“You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky
What he wants to do when he graduates: Go to college and possibly study agriculture
Something he would change if he could: Eliminate school on Fridays
What he would like to be doing five years from now: Graduating from high school
The thing he likes best about St. Joseph:
“Everyone is friendly,” Richter said.

Jacob Richter is an active teenager who is an athlete and enjoys spending time outdoors. He also likes to help his grandfather, Ray, split firewood.