Sartell SummerFest 2015 was a grand success, with perfect late-spring weather – warm but not hot – attracting thousands of people to the many events of June 12-13.
Crowds lined the streets all along Riverside Avenue and 8th Street to enjoy the Grand Day Parade, which featured more than 75 units, including 10 marching bands. After the parade, huge crowds gathered at Sartell Middle School for all sorts of entertainment that included the ever-popular inflatables such as the ferocious rubbery dinosaur; music; a petting zoo featuring llamas, goats, baby rabbits and tortoises; and lots of hands-on children’s activities: face-painting, tattoos, the making of balloon animals.
The events were made possible by many local and area business sponsors, not to mention scores of volunteers.
Other activities included the 5k and 1k run, a street dance and fireworks.
For more about SummerFest, see photos in today’s paper.

Stef Rothstein and her daughter, Evie, 5, of St. Stephen, enjoy the Sartell SummerFest Parade.

Spectators watch the line of Sartell-LeSauk Fire Department rigs on the SummerFest parade route.

The Sartell High School Marching Sabres’ Color Guard leads the SummerFest Parade June 13.

The Sartell High School Marching Sabres’ Color Guard nears the end of the parade route at Sartell Middle School.

The brass section of the Sartell High School Marching Sabres march along 8th Street on the SummerFest Parade route.

The brass section of the Sartell High School Marching Sabres toots out its tune along the SummerFest Parade route.

The polka-dot skirts and neck kerchiefs of the Sartell Middle School Marching Band Color Guard were a hit with people on the SummerFest Parade route. Smiles, applause and cheers welcomed the colorful Color Guard.

Members of the Sartell Middle School Marching Band near the finish line of the Saretll SummerFest Parade.

Girls from Ms. Melinda’s Dance Studio delight parade watchers with their free-form dancing at the Sartell SummerFest Parade June 13.

The polka-dot skirts and neck kerchiefs of the Sartell Middle School Marching Band Color Guard were a hit with people on the SummerFest Parade route. Smiles, applause and cheers welcomed the colorful Color Guard.

Three members of the Sartell Middle School Marching Band enjoy the Family Carnival on their school grounds after completing their long march in the parade. From left to right are Rebecca Gooding, Kaylan Kremer and Rachael Gooding. Rebecca and Rachael are sisters.

The patriotic color guard, comprised of military veterans, leads the Sartell SummerFest Grand Parade as it enters the parade’s finish point, Sartell Middle School.

A father and son are both charmed by the sweet face of a llama at the petting zoo at the Family Carnival during Sartell SummerFest 2015. The event attracted thousands of people on a beautiful late-spring day.

A “balloon man” creates a pink poodle for an eager girl.

The leering rubbery dinosaur was a hit again with children at the Sartell SummerFest Family Carnival. Another favorite was the “Sinking Titanic,” seen here in the background.

The Sartell SummerFest Family Carnival had just begun when already the Sartell Middle School was packed with lines of people. The carnival-goers increased hugely throughout the day.

Children enjoy watching some of the animals in the petting zoo at the Sartell SummerFest Family Carnival.

Down, down, down they go – a father and daughter at Sartell SummerFest.

Henry Kockler, 2, with parents Ben and Holly Kockler of Sartell, watches intently as Bruce Kilber of Maunde Entertainment creates a balloon animal for him at the Libertyville event on June 13.

The Sartell Middle School band performs to Meghan Trainor’s All About the Bass during the Sartell Parade on June 13. Wearing polka-dotted skirts and scarves, the color guards interpretation of the song thrills the crowd.

An alpaca receives food and attention from some Sartell students at the mini-petting zoo at the Libertyville Event on June 13. Left to right are the following: ninth-grader Marwah Asif, sixth-grader Summbla Anjum, and seventh-graders Grace Radeke and Julianna Moore.

Grace Nicoll, 6, daughter of Mayor Sarah Jane Nicoll of Sartell, smiles at the artwork which was painted on her cheek by Darcy Young of Maund Entertainment at the Libertyville Event on June 13.

The Sartell-LeSauk firetrucks line up before the parade starts.

The Sartell Middle School marching band walks in a uniform fashion down the parade route.

The Sartell Middle School marching band plays light and cheery music as they walk down the parade route.

Everett Hirdler, 3, of Sartell smiles as he watches the parade pass by.

National Karate’s participants show off their karate skills to people watching the parade.

The Sartell High School Marching Sabres get ready to perform a song while walking down the parade route.

Everett Hirdler, 3, of Sartell hugs a cat mascot during the Sartell SummerFest parade.

The St. Cloud Fire and Police Pipes and Drums performed in the Sartell Parade June 13. According to their website,, free pipe lessons are given in exchange for band commitment, and many of their members learned to play this way. Members pictured are the following: (front row, left to right) Joe Linneman and Ben Richason; (middle row) Joe Nadeau (partially hidden) and Jake McLellan;
and (back row) Dave Redfield, and Randall and Terry Vermillion. All are from St Cloud except McLellan, who’s from Richmond.