Mark Bergerson, Sartell
I would like to thank a percentage of the drivers in our area. I applaud the way you think while you drive. I love the way you yield at a yield sign and merge when there is a merge sign. I know you understand the difference. I also want to thank all of the actual users of the turn signal. You use it whenever you are supposed to use it. You signal lane changes (ahead of time), you signal well before a turn, not as you are turning or while stopped at a light in the turn lane. And, you actually use your signal to indicate to the rest of us (yes, there are others driving on the road!) that something is about to happen – whether we are behind you or approaching you. You actually use that turn signal; it’s not a lot of extra work.
You never drive selfishly, without thinking other drivers might need a clue about what you are about to do. You never text, use the phone, shave, apply makeup or try to eat a Big Mac while driving, and you actually keep your eyes on the road. You stay out of the passing lane if you are not passing, and you let faster people by without venting some anger. You know driving is a dangerous, full-time job and you are responsible for not injuring or killing anyone. You realize there are millions of other drivers out there (not all in cars) trying to remember all of these things also. Thank you again to that smallish percentage of drivers who drive sensibly. May you hopefully spread that sensibility into the minds and actions of that higher percentage of drivers who don’t get it.