Adopting a family for the holidays has become a popular alternative to gift exchanges for many friends, families and offices. Catholic Charities’ Share the Spirit program offers groups the opportunity to adopt families who are especially in need.
“Our program seeks to assist families who are in most need,” said Kathy Sherrard, Share the Spirit program coordinator. “Often the families adopted don’t have a table for their family to eat at, or they don’t have beds to sleep on.”
The program matches individuals, families or groups wanting to provide gifts and food to families in need. The recipient families are referred by local human-service agencies, and confidentiality is respected for both donors and families.
“The sooner you volunteer to adopt a family, the more families we will be able to help,” Sherrard said.
Each donor is given information and a holiday wish list for their chosen family. Donors are asked to spend at least $60 on gifts and $10 on a food gift certificate for each family member. So if a sponsored family has three people, $180 would be spent on gifts and $30 on a food gift certificate for a total of $210.
To become a donor or for more information about adopting a family, contact Kathy Sherrard at 320.650.1654 or go to
Catholic Charities is a nonprofit organization that advances the charitable and social mission of the Diocese of St. Cloud. It builds communities, promotes family life and enhances human dignity by providing quality services to meet the physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of individuals and families of all faiths and beliefs.