by Dennis Dalman
A Sartell woman is inviting guys and gals over the age of 30 to join a “just for fun” volleyball team.
Julie Jacobs has played volleyball for a couple of years. Her husband, Jeff, is also a member of her team, along with four others – a couple from Rice and a couple from Sauk Rapids.
Jacobs’ team used to play in various cities throughout the area, but she recently decided it would be fun to compete closer to home, right in Sartell’s Watab Park.
“It’s hard to play against 21-year-olds,” she said, laughing. “Let’s play right here. For fun. And exercise.”
Jacobs is hoping enough people will be interested so that several teams can be formed.
If interested, call Julie at 320-259-4838. It’s best to call her as soon as possible as she would like to form the teams by May 10. Games are Thursday nights, and the first one is slated for June 6. The times will be determined later. The ideal number of players, Jacobs said, is 30.