Leona Wieland, Sartell
The statement needed for decorum in the Senate Chambers was noted. How about holding responsible those who tell lies?
Repeating the lie about WMD got us into war with Iraq in 2003. The costs in money and lives are reprehensible: $1.1 trillion, 4,000 American and 200,000 civilian lives. Do not allow lies to continue today.
Specifically, I refer to the lie about whether Republicans and/or President Trump were allowed to attend the House impeachment inquiry in the House lower chambers. To say they weren’t, as the lead lawyer for President Trump, Pat Cipollone, said in opening statements is a lie. Thank goodness Adam Schiff made note of it, but I fear it and other lies may be said again and again. Will you allow our democracy to crumble with such less than honorable behavior?
Wake up, senators, to Ladies Liberty, Truth and Justice. Take off your earmuffs and blinders to the everyday reality of indecency and disregard in private and public squares. There have been numerous character assassinations. Do you fear that you too, senators, will be the next one called out?
We send our military might forth to protect national security. Service personnel willingly give their lives to uphold democratic values, principles and laws. What in good conscience can you, our leaders do? You held up your hands and signed your names to be impartial, to support and defend the Constitution. Tell us, your children and grandchildren that you will choose the better way. Honor truth, bringing light into the darkness of our republic and put a STOP to lies. Lead responsibly to save our democracy.
In recent days as leaders seem oblivious to truth and justice as guiding principles, it is sad public discourse in meetings and courtrooms exemplify a loss of civility, honor, kindness and goodness. What’s to come of our country if we fail to uphold liberty and justice for all?
What’s ahead since U.S. Senators failed to get enough votes for witnesses and documents in the impeachment of President Trump?
Was it a fair trial?
Were Senators purposely delaying &/or denying truth?
Are Senators afraid of backlash for being conscientious?
If acting out of fear, is it possible it can be replaced with love? There is a consistent thought that Christians outnumber others in our country. If so, actions need to be in line with beliefs. “Love God and Neighbor as yourself.”
“There are only two emotions: love and fear. All positive emotions come from love, all negative emotions from fear. From love flows happiness, contentment, peace and joy. From fear comes anger, hate, anxiety and guilt. It’s true there are only two primary emotions, love and fear. But it’s more accurate to say there is only love or fear, for we cannot feel these two emotions together, at exactly the same time. They’re opposites. If we’re in fear, we are not in a place of love. When we’re in a place of love, we cannot be in a place of fear.”
– Elisabeth Kubler-Ross