Eight Saint Joseph students were recently named to the spring dean’s list at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.
Lydia Anderson, junior, science and engineering; Logan Bakken, senior, management; Lauren Chlan, senior, liberal arts; William Clark, senior, liberal arts; Cooper Gerads, junior, liberal arts; John Martone, senior, biological sciences; Nicole Shimak, senior, biological sciences; and Kelli Spaniol, junior, design.
To qualify for the honor, a student must attain a minimum 3.66 grade-point average.
Riley Zimmer, St. Joseph, was recently named to the honor list at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Students must attain a 4.0 grade-point average to qualify for this honor.
Margaret Schneider, daughter of Joanne and Kurt Schneider, St. Joseph, recently graduated from Bethel University, St. Paul, with a certificate of applied studies.
Ten St. Joseph students recently graduated from St. Cloud State University.
Kacey Bostrom, master’s in counseling and student development; Olivia Hoeschen, bachelor’s in athletic training, magna cum laude; Isaac Holthaus, bachelor’s nursing, magna cum laude; Brent Lundell, bachelor’s in community health; Karissa Muehring, bachelor’s in elementary/K-6 education, summa cum laude; Dip Patel, bachelor’s in finance; Adam Price, bachelor’s in marketing; Breanna Ruchti, bachelor’s in psychology; Sydney Wolf, bachelor’ in mass communications, summa cum laude; and Maddy Zinken, master’s in higher education administration.