A thriving business area of Sartell will soon have a new “branding” logo.
For several months, a Neighborhood Marketing Committee has been meeting and doing research into how best to market that area, which is in south Sartell in the Epic Center-Medical Complex area to the west and east sides of Hwy. 15.
Currently, a logo has been designed, but there are two sets of words to choose from that go with the logos. One says “Sartell Edge on 15.” The other says “Sartell Hub on 15.” Under both logos are the words “Business. Healthcare. Technology.”
The committee is expected to make its final choice soon. Businesses were encouraged to vote online for their favorite of the two logos. There are nearly 60 businesses in that area of Sartell, which borders north St. Cloud.
Branding is a process of bringing an instantly recognizable identity to a place or area – giving it a “brand name” for the purposes of marketing, advertising and consumer recognition.
The committee plans to continue exploring other ways to “brand” and promote that area.
contributed logo
This is the “Edge” logo for the Sartell branding effort.
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This is the “Hub” logo for the Sartell branding effort.