What do you think is happening at our southern border? Some 50,000 children have been dumped and abandoned for us to take care of, and it’s going to get a lot worse. Estimates are at least another 50,000 will hit before the year is out. Instead of calling this what it is, the Obama Administration chooses to call it a “humanitarian crisis.” They would have you believe these are just desperately poor people who are escaping oppression and poverty. They don’t want you to call them illegal aliens. That would be politically incorrect. No, call them refugees or immigrants.
Well, I choose to call it as I see it. These are illegal aliens and they are cheating the system, breaking our laws and looking for a free ride in the “Land of Milk and Honey.” They are re-introducing diseases which we have long dealt with. They are covered with body lice. Many test positive for tuberculosis. Once again we are seeing H1n1, also known as swine flu. These are not immigrants; they are thieves, cheats and trespassers.
We are told these people are paying cartels up to $8,000 a head for passage to our border. If they are so poor, where are they getting that kind of money? And if that kind of money actually exists, why aren’t they using it to fix their own countries?
We absolutely cannot be the dumping ground for every person in the world who thinks all they have to do is show up and we will take care of them. Nancy Pelosi says this is a great opportunity for America. Nonsense. This is a liability with a huge price tag. These children bring nothing to this country. They will have to be fed, clothed, medicated, educated and taken care of for years. Many are gang members who have been systematically expelled by their own countries.
So, what do we do? Well, first of all, we change the rhetoric. We call a spade a spade. These are law-breaking trespassers whose goal is to cheat the system and get a free ride at taxpayers’ expense. These are people who, if left unchecked, will turn this country into the same cesspool from which they just escaped.
There are limits. We have an immigration service that is set up to make certain those who would choose to immigrate to America are people we want in this country. They make sure immigrants are free of diseases. They check for criminal activity. Do you remember when Castro decided to dump his criminals on America by putting them on boats and sending them north? That was known as the “Mariel boatlift.” Thousands of thieves and killers were sent to America under the guise of immigration. Castro emptied his jails and laughed at us and our stupidity.
Is that a part of what is happening on our border today? I don’t know but neither do the people who are charged with our border security. Did I say “border security?” That’s a laugh.
The federal government is forcing the states to act and act they will. Especially the border states. They are not going to just sit still and absorb the costs and the liability of thousands of illegals.
Stop allowing the Feds to change the meaning of words. Make them face up to the problem they have caused themselves. I am sure the Administration thinks these are all new Democrats just waiting for the opportunity to vote. Sorry, but that isn’t going to happen. Amnesty is a liberal pipedream. Pay attention Congresspeople. It will soon be time for a reckoning.