Greg Rueter
The current School Board has made some interesting decisions in the past few years that have ruined what was an almost flawless reputation for our school district.
Many of us moved to the Sartell-St. Stephen area solely because of the reputation the schools had but are now embarrassed by the political shenanigans they are pulling. I have clients, family and friends living in other parts of Minnesota that have called me solely for the purpose of mocking our school district about what they see in the media. I do my best to tell them it is NOT the teachers and staff, that it is the school board, but they just laugh. More than one of those hecklers asked me, “Shouldn’t your school board be worried more about the 3 R’s?” (That’s “Reading, Writing and ‘Rithmetic, for the younger folks reading this).
That is why I am voting for Michael Ringstad for school board. When I share that with people they often say, “Why would you vote for him? He doesn’t even have kids in the district!” My reply is simple. If having a child actively enrolled is a requirement for a school-board seat, well over half of all residents would not be eligible to run. The Ringstads’ built their house in this district for a reason, and their oldest daughter used to go to school here.
Something has to change, and we need to keep politics out of our schools. Michael Ringstad is the right person for the job.