Temporary foster parents are urgently needed for kittens and some adult cats at the Tri-County Humane Society who are suffering from upper respiratory infections.
All that’s required is that the “parent” or “parents” have a separate room away from any other pets, if they have any. The felines must be given an oral antibiotic once a day, fed and watered with a litter box handy.
The kittens and cats will have to stay in their foster-parent quarantines for anywhere from two weeks to one month. Then, the humane society will take them back for adoption.
The reason the humane society is requesting foster parents is because the upper respiratory problem is contagious and the animal shelter does not have enough space to quarantine the sick cats and kittens.
If interested, please call the humane society at 320-252-0896 or visit its website at www.tricountyhumanesociety.org.