Diana Hansen
This is to the two letter-to-editor writers, one of which wrote in the Nov. 1 Newsleaders that “we’re smarter because we read viewpoints that aren’t biased and your columnists don’t fact-check.”
Those comments were aimed at reporter/columnist Dennis Dalman.
First off, if you look at the header where Dennis has written on his opinion of President-elect Trump and other subjects, the header on the top of the opinion page is the word “Opinion.” On that page, I feel Dennis is not reporting; he is giving his opinion. Isn’t that what the space is intended for? Opinions? I believe anyone wanting to give their opinion can send something in to fill that space as I have seen it filled by other folks about their opinions on different topics. When looking through the Newsleaders there are many articles where Dennis is “reporting” and in the Nov. 15 article about Donald Trump winning an historic re-election, for example, that was written by Dennis, and in it he does not include his opinion, only reports the facts.
Yes, the letters you wrote are your opinions and you have a right to your opinions as does everyone. But I was bothered most by the harshness of those two letters-to-the-editor just because someone else’s “opinion” does not agree with your own.
You bring up fact checking. When you give your opinion on something, do you fact check everything you say before saying it or are you only giving your opinion? There’s a difference in reporting and giving an opinion. My opinion is that the letters were harsh and brutal and unnecessary with no fact-checking done. Only my opinion.