The St. Joseph Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 4, 2013 to consider amending Ordinance 52.27 Subd. 5 (b) adding a provision to allow a non-owner-occupied rental license if a property owner has tried to sell their home without success. The new provision would allow for a one-time two-year interim-use permit affording the property owner the opportunity to make application for a rental license and interim-use permit.
If granted the interim-use permit and rental applications must be renewed for the second year, expiring at the end the second year.
Full text of the above Ordinance Amendments can be viewed at the City Offices, 25 College Ave. N or on the City website: All persons wishing to testify will be heard with oral testimony limited to five minutes. Written testimony can be submitted to the City of St. Joseph, Attn: Judy Weyrens, P.O. Box 668, St. Joseph. MN 56374.
Judy Weyrens
Publish: Jan. 25, 2013