If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the St. Joseph Police Department at 363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 255-1301 or access its tip site at www.tricountycrimestoppers.org. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.
Dec. 16
3:58 p.m. Alarm. College Avenue S. Officer arrived on scene and all appeared secure. No fresh tracks in snow. Went in with keyholder and found a live box elder bug on the sensor. No problems inside. Cleared.
Dec. 19
7:57 a.m. Found property. Seventh Avenue NW. Homeowner found two throwing-type dagger knives on her sidewalk. Items were placed in found property.
12:51 p.m. Juvenile problem. Jade Road. Officer spoke to a juvenile along with staff. Juvenile was misbehaving in class.
1:26 p.m. Warrant arrest. Elm Street E. Called in a suspicious person. Officer arrived and identified the male by his driver’s license. He told the officer he had a warrant. Warrant was confirmed and he was transported to Stearns County jail where he was held for court.
Dec. 20
7:35 a.m. Suspicious activity. Second Avenue NE. Woman reported seeing a white male with black coat and black hair walking in her bedroom and then down the hallway. Officer checked the entire house and was unable to locate anyone. No sign if forced entry and no footprints outside the house. Cleared.
Dec. 21
8:55 p.m. Dog. Minnesota Street E. Man called to report he saw a husky walking down the sidewalk alone. He called the dog and brought the dog inside and called the police department. Officer picked up the dog. It had a harness collar on with vet tags and city dog tag. Officer took the dog to the office to try to find the owner. The owner showed up to report the dog missing and saw the dog in the back seat. Dog and owner reunited.
Dec. 22
5:50 a.m. Verbal domestic. Callaway Street E. Caller is a guest and has two children who live at the address with her in her car in the driveway. Officers arrived and spoke to couple separately. Female was leaving with a friend. Male had a fat lip and some blood and bruising on the bridge of his nose. When asked what happened he stated he would not talk about it. All parties involved refused to give statements or cooperate with officers. No weapons were present and both were drinking. Parties were separated for the evening.
1:23 a.m. Assist person. Baker Street E. Mother called and requested an officer talk to her 6-year-old daughter about her behavior. Officer did so and cleared.
Dec. 27
4 p.m. Burglary. College Avenue N. Male reported the walk-in door on the house he rents was kicked in. He was unaware of anything missing. Footprints showed the suspect looking in the house windows, walking in his camper and around a pontoon and jet ski. Suspect also broke a security light/camera off the garage. Value of the light/camera is $120.