U.S. Sen. Smith
to speak Oct. 14
The 15th annual Eugene J. McCarthy Lecture with U.S. Sen. Tina Smith will take place at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 14 in the Stephen B. Humphrey Theatre on the St. John’s University campus. This event is free and open to the public.
Blood donors needed
Blood that is donated through the American Red Cross helps patients of all ages including cancer and sickle cell patients, trauma and burn patients, and patients with chronic diseases. Minimum requirements for whole-blood donation include donation frequency of every 56 days, must be in good health and feeling well, at least age 16 and weigh at least 110 lbs. Visit www.redcross.org for more information. A one-time blood donation can save up to three lives! Schedule an appointment to give blood today! Visit https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/find-drive.
Variety of options
to help youth
180 Degrees is a program that supports youth and young adults through emergency shelter, transitional living and foster care. They are looking for volunteers to help youth with cooking, yard work and gardening, lead activities such as yoga, self-defense, art, photography, sewing etc. Contact Jacey, 180 Degrees, at 320-259-6764 or stcloud@180degrees.org.
Animal care providers
Shelter animal care providers help keep a clean atmosphere for the animals and visitors at the Tri-County Humane Society as well as provide attention to the animals while they are waiting to be adopted. Volunteers keep cages and animal areas clean, socialize the animals, assist customers with viewing animals and take shelter dogs for walks. Customerservice skills are important for this position. Volunteer shifts are generally a minimum of two hours per week and needed early/mid-day weekday shifts. For more information, contact Kate Kompas, TCHS volunteer/humane education coordinator, at 320-252-0896, ext. 27, or volunteer@tricountyhumanesociety.org.