AUG. 16, 2021
The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 5 p.m. by Chair Jeremy Snoberger. Members present: Snoberger, chair; Jason Nies, vice chair; Amanda Byrd, clerk; Matt Moehrle, treasurer; Patrick Marushin, director; Tricia Meling, director; and Dr. Jeff Ridlehoover, superintendent. Members absent: none.
A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Byrd to APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. All in favor. Motion carried.
During the public comment opportunity 10 members of the community addressed the school board. Hannah Rivard, student, spoke on the topic of masking in schools; Cole Engstrom-Bolstad, 613 First St. N, spoke on the topic of LGBTQ issues in the school; Bennett Prose, student, spoke on the topic of masking and the equity committee; Elliott Dingman, student, spoke on the topic of equity; Carmen Honken, 4629 Pine Point Road, spoke on the topic of parental choice with masking; Kevin Jenner, 717 21st Ave. N, spoke on the topic of health and safety policy 2021-2022; Rochelle Dyer, 817 Third Ave. N, spoke on the topic of code of ethics; Eva Hesse, student, spoke on the topic of representation of students; Kenneth Dumpprope, 321 19th Ave. N, spoke on the topic of masks; Christine Jemming, 220 15th Ave. NE, spoke on the topic of masks.
A motion was made by Moehrle and seconded by Nies to APPROVE CONSENT ITEMS A.4.a – A.4.c AS PRESENTED BELOW. All in favor. Motion carried.
A.4.a. Minutes of the regular school board meeting held on July 19, 2021
Minutes of the special school board meeting held on Aug. 2, 2021
Minutes of the school board work session held on Aug. 9, 2021
A.4.b Checks in the amount of $888,563.37 as presented:
General Fund 503,831.80
Food Service Fund 129.57
Transportation Fund 21,245.06
Community Service Fund 14,516.31
Capital Expenditure Fund 335,911.79
Scholarship Trust 9,300.00
Activity Accounts 219.43
Internal Service Fund 3,409.41
Check numbers 181654 – 181798
ACHs in the amount of $986.08 as presented:
General Fund 631.15
Activity Accounts 354.93
ACH numbers 212200006-212200010
Receipts in the amount of $1,507,376.80 as presented:
General Fund 971,996.11
Food Service Fund 389,830.05
Community Service Fund 55,043.71
Building Fund 71.10
Debt Service Fund 78,439.79
Activity Accounts 860.00
Internal Service Fund 11,136.04
Receipts 49103 – 49182
Wire transfers in the amount of $1,193,606.98 as presented:
General Fund 833,575.70
Food Service Fund 5,885.12
Transportation Fund 3,279.37
Community Service Fund 33,737.45
Capital Expenditure Fund 13,593.96
Building Fund -4,960.71
Internal Service Fund 308,496.09
Wire transfers 202122033 – 202122091
A.4.c Accept the resignations of Roxanne Chandler, SMS, para, 8/12/21; Dorothy Karls, SMS, food service worker, 7/19/21; Kari Tuomi, RIS, para, 8/6/21; Heidi Webster, ORELC, speech language pathologist, 8/12/21; Sarah Zehowski, PMPS, cashier, 8/4/21.
Superintendent Report: Dr. Jeff Ridlehoover
- Ridlehoover reported on happenings around the district. More than 68 applications were received for the Equity and Student Experience Committee. There is a lot of optimism and hope from the current applicants. The board will be given monthly updates on the progress of the committee. All buildings have started planning for next school year, which has included receiving good viewpoints and perspectives during visits with parents and staff members. A meeting was held with Police Chief Jim Hughes in regards to safety. Treasurer Moehrle and the superintendent had the opportunity to meet with students from the High School to discuss the upcoming year. Sabre Splash planning for incoming ninth-grade students happened last week and fall sports started today. Activities Director Ryan Hauge has recently accepted a position at the Rocori School District. A plan for a seamless transition has been created as the search for a new activities director starts.
District Finance Report:
- Director of Business Services Joe Prom provided an update on district finances.
COVID-19 / Safe-Learning Plan Report:
- Ridlehoover and Director of Human Resources Krista Durrwachter provided an update regarding COVID-19 and the Safe-Learning Plan for 2021-22.
The Board took a 10-minute recess at 6:16 p.m. The meeting resumed at 6:26 p.m.
Public Data Request Report:
- Durrwachter reported on the Public Data Request process and those received by the district.
School Board Committee Report:
- Director Marushin and Director Meling reported on the virtual conference presented by MSBA they both attended.
A motion was made by Marushin and seconded by Nies to APPROVE #1-21:
New Employees/Changes:
Nicole Ackerman, ORELC, para, $18.03/hour, RIV, S2, 6.5 hours/day, replacing Michaela VanHeel, 8/30/2021; Carey Carstensen, SHS, ninth-grade volleyball, $3,990 (9.5 percent), BA, Step A ($42,002), replacing Katie Young, 8/16/2021; Christine Duininck, SHS, food service worker, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 3 hours/day, replacing Zachary Ewald, 8/19/2021; Sam Engel, SHS, assistant girls swim, $4,184 (9.5 percent), BA, Step C ($44,045), replacing Lyndsey Welch, 8/16/2021; Caleb Forberg, SHS, ninth-grade boys soccer, $3,507 (8.35 percent), BA, Step A ($42,002), replacing Kristi Tomczyk, 8/16/2021; Joye Haider, ORELC, cafeteria worker, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 2.5 hours/day, replacing Tiana Jestus, 8/19/2021; Terri Johnson, ORELC, para, $22.31/hour, RIV, Step 6, 4 hours/day, new position, 8/30/2021; Esraa Kadhem, RIS, cashier, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 3 hours/day, new position, 8/19/2021; Lukas Majerle, SHS, assistant boys soccer, $3,990 (9.5 percent), BA, Step A ($42,002), replacing Klause Hume, 8/16/2021; Stacey Osterholt, SMS, cashier, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 3 hours/day, replacing Deb Raveling, 8/19/2021; Julie Peabody, SMS, food service worker, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 3 hours/day, replacing Jan Gronseth, 8/19/2021; Tracey Robak, SHS, food service worker, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 3 hours/day, Replacing Sunday Chan, 8/19/2021; Michelle Sand, SMS, cashier, $16.20/hour,RI, S1, 3 hours/day, replacing Jeannie Klehr, 8/19/2021; Paige Serbus, SHS, ninth-grade volleyball, $3,990 (9.5 percent), BA, Step A ($42,002), replacing Riley Marod, 8/16/2021; Jeannie Stelten, SMS, cashier, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 3 hours/day, replacing Julie Peabody, 8/19/2021; Michaela VanHeel, PMPS, para, $18.03/hour, RIV, S2, 6.25 hours/day, replacing Cailin Justin, 8/30/2021; Nicole Wasierski, SHS, receptionist, $19.43/hour, RII, S1, 8 hours/day, 202 days/year, replacing Stacy Clitty, 8/30/2021.
Leaves of Absence:
Cheryl Freihammer, RIS, head cook, LOA, 21-22 school year (intermittent leave); Cailin Justin, PMPS, para, LOA, 21-22 school year; Peggy Kourajian, SMS, accompanist, LOA, 21-22 school year; Jennifer Richason, SMS, grade 8, LOA, 9/21/21 – 11/22/21.
All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Moehrle and seconded by Meling to APPROVE TRUTH IN TAXATION (TNT) TENTATIVE HEARING DATE FOR DEC. 20, 2021, AT 6:00 PM LOCATED AT SARTELL HIGH SCHOOL. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Moehrle TO APPROVE THE 2021-2022 ISD 748 SAFE-LEARNING PLAN DRAFT B. On a roll-call vote, the following voted in favor: Nies, Moehrle, Byrd, Snoberger. The following voted against: Marushin, Meling. Motion carried 4-2.
Schedule Work Session and Committee Meetings:
- Future Policy Committee Meeting – Tuesday, Aug. 24 @ District Service Center – 4 p.m.
- Future Board Work Session – Wednesday, Sept. 8 @ Sartell High School – 6:30 p.m.
- Future Regular Board Meeting – Monday, Sept. 20 @ Sartell High School – 6:30 p.m.
Committee Assignments were reviewed.
A motion to ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:54 p.m. was made by Nies and seconded by Marushin. All in favor. Motion carried.
/s/ Amanda Byrd, clerk
Publish: Oct. 1, 2021