SEPT. 20, 2021
The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 6:43 p.m. by Chair Jeremy Snoberger. Members present: Snoberger, chair; Jason Nies, vice chair; Amanda Byrd, clerk; Matt Moehrle, treasurer; Patrick Marushin, director; Tricia Meling, director; and Dr. Jeff Ridlehoover, superintendent. Members absent: none.
A motion was made by Byrd and seconded by Marushin to APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. All in favor. Motion carried.
During the public comment opportunity six members of the community addressed the school board. Peter Wilson, 1108 Celebration Drive, spoke on multiple topics; Emily Larson, 810 Northstar Drive, spoke on the topic of Dear Martin; Sue Peichel, 40232 County Road 1, spoke by thanking the school board; Kay Steiner, 1221 22nd St. S., spoke about data; Luke Green, 325 Seventh Ave. S., spoke by thanking the school board; Derick Netter, 4572 Pine Point Road, spoke on the topic of masks.
A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Moehrle to APPROVE CONSENT ITEMS A.4.a – A.4.e AS PRESENTED BELOW. All in favor. Motion carried.
A.4.a. Minutes of the regular school board meeting held on Aug. 16, 2021
Minutes of the school board work session held on Sept. 8, 2021
A.4.b Checks in the amount of $1,120,908.09 as presented:
General Fund 810,353.86
Food Service Fund 17,726.21
Transportation Fund 26,067.53
Community Service Fund 11,011.99
Capital Expenditure Fund 245,445.98
Debt Service Fund 2,000.00
Activity Accounts 7,232.35
Internal Service Fund 1,070.17
Check numbers 181799 – 182046
ACHs in the amount of $8,112.04 as presented:
General Fund 3,885.23
Food Service Fund 255.96
Activity Accounts 3,970.85
ACH numbers 212200011-212200030
Receipts in the amount of $6,902,597.01 as presented:
General Fund 6,547,803.47
Food Service Fund 15,053.06
Transportation Fund 28,765.85
Community Service Fund 153,314.07
Capital Expenditure Fund 20,152.43
Building Fund 65.43
Debt Service Fund 109,983.98
Activity Accounts 16,004.00
Internal Service Fund 11,454.72
Receipts 49183 – 49274
Wire transfers in the amount of $1,898,720.11 as presented:
General Fund 1,354,235.31
Food Service Fund 17,822.35
Transportation Fund 34,551.44
Community Service Fund 43,602.99
Capital Expenditure Fund 22,135.86
Activity Accounts 1,909.35
Internal Service Fund 424,462.81
Wire transfers 202122092 – 202122175
Building Fund Checks in the amount of $46,230.36 as presented:
Building Fund 46,230.36
Check number 601216 – 601219
A.4.c Approve resolution accepting the following donations;
Sartell-St. Stephen Education Foundation, ISD #748, $200, new staff/all-staff breakfast; Midway Iron & Metal Inc., Sartell High School, SOWF108 beams, donation for house build; Karasch Concrete and Masonry, Sartell High School, concrete blocks for I-beam foundation, donation for house build.
A.4.d Accept the resignation of Melissa Ferguson, SHS, heath/phy ed, 8/30/21; Marcia Gaetz, RIS, speech, 8/30/21; Katie Gallipo, SMS, nurse, 8/30/21; Ryan Hauge, SHS, activities director, 8/20/21; Lucia Laituri, ORELC, para, 9/17/21; Mitchell Keeler, RIS, health/phy ed, 9/22/21; Janet Skinner, PMPS, student supervisor, 8/30/21; Shelly Starz, SMS, cook, 8/17/21; Jeannie Stelten, SMS, cashier, 9/13/21; Nancy Walters, SHS, para, 8/30/21; Jasmyn Williams, District, information technology, 9/9/21.
A.4.e Approve Student Teacher Agreement with College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University
Student Representative Report:
- Student Representative Kate Ellis reported on happenings around the district. Oak Ridge, Pine Meadow and Riverview Intermediate all had a great start to the year. Students from each school participated in the K-5 PTO’s Walk-A-Thon which raised more than $60,000. Students got to choose staff members to receive a pie to their face as a result of the successful walk-a-thon. For homecoming, students participated in dress-up days all week in celebration. Sartell Middle school students were excited to be back in class along, with a normal lunch period and the return of fall activities. There was a new program for incoming sixth-grade students, similar to Sabre Splash for ninth-grade students at the High School. The High School’s Sabre Splash was very successful in welcoming the new ninth-grade students. Last week saw numerous celebrations for homecoming. Events included a grill out, carnival and dress-up days helping boost the morale for students. The Mill student store will reopen on Oct. 4.
Superintendent Report:
- Superintendent Dr. Jeff Ridlehoover reported on happenings around the district. Thanks to the maintenance staff and administrators for having a great start to the year. Ridlehoover stated how proud he was of our students for the start of the year. The first Equity and Student Experience Committee meeting went well and he thanked those who are part of the committee. Building on that first committee meeting, the first community listening session was held before the board meeting tonight. The feedback received will be added to the committee page. Communications have been sent to the adult committee members requesting permission to release their names with the list of staff members who are on the committee. Enrollment to start the year is at 4,100 showing a strong start at around projections. The District continues its work with community partners. Currently the District is working with the City of Sartell on efficiencies in community programs and maintenance. Planning continues on the High School Stadium.
District Finance Report:
- Director of Business Services Joe Prom provided an update on district finances.
COVID-19 Report:
- Director of Human Resources Krista Durrwachter provided an update regarding COVID-19.
American Indian Parent Advisory Committee (AIPAC) Report:
- Principal Jason Mielke reported on the American Indian Parent Advisory Committee (AIPAC).
Assessment Results / Building Goals Report:
- Assistant Superintendent of Learning Services Kay Nelson, District Assessment Coordinator Marie Pangerl and building principals reported on the 2020-21 Assessment Results and outlined building goals for 2021-22.
School Board Committee Report:
- No reports.
A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Meling to APPROVE #1-58:
New Employees/Changes:
Andrea Benninghoff, SHS, ninth-grade girls soccer, $3,507 (8.35 percent), BA, A ($42,002), replacing Ali Roos, 8/17/2021; Julia Bjerke, ORELC, early childhood screening coordinator, $7,500 (stipend), replacing Stacy Friedrich, 8/30/2021; Linnea Bouri, PMPS, student supervisor, $14.50/hr, RI, S1, 2.25 hours/day, replacing Janet Skinner, 9/13/2021; Jackie Braun, SHS, para, $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, new position, 8/22/2021; Carey Carstensen, SHS, para, $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, Replacing Autumn Fosteson, 8/30/2021; Maria Davis, PMPS, para, $18.03/hour, RIV, S2, 6.5 hours/day, replacing Jennifer Nelson, 9/1/2021; Brad Ferguson, Transportation, van driver, $21.80, Type III, Year 1, new position, 8/31/2021; Dave Driste, SHS, assistant cross country, $4,189 (8.35 percent), BA, I ($50,164), replacing Jeff Kellerman, 8/16/2021; Gayle Gunnerson, SMS, accompanist – LTS, $17.16, RV, S1, 3.5 hours/day, replacing Peggy Kourajian, 9/9/2021; Tonya Hackett, SMS, food service worker, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 3 hours/day, replacing Dorothy Karls, 8/19/2021; Breanna Hess, SHS, assistant girls hockey, $4,410 (10.5 percent), BA, A ($42,002), replacing Alex Kampa, 11/1/2021; Brenda Holter, SMS, eighth-grade volleyball, $3,121 (6.35 percent), BA, H ($49,145), replacing Chelsey Mersbergen, 8/25/2021; Abby Kajer, ORELC, early childhood, $21,001 (BA, A), .5 FTE, increased need, 8/30/2021; DanLynn Kolstad, SMS, food service worker, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 3 hours/day, replacing Michelle Shouse, 8/19/2021; Mary Knellwolf, ORELC, para, $22.31/hour, RIV, S6, 3 hours/day, requested less hours, 9/7/2021; Michael Knight, SMS, junior high boys soccer, $2,667 (6.35 percent), BA, A ($42,002), replacing Joshua Halicke, 8/25/2021; Lucia Laituri, ORELC, para, $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 6.5 hours/day (M,W,F), 4.25 hours/day (T,TH), replacing Mary Knellwolf, 8/31/2021; Brian Larson, PMPS, head custodian, $26.94/hour, RVIII, S5, 8 hours/day, 260 days/year, replacing Rosie Warzecha, 10/1/2021; Jessica Legg, SHS, para, $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, replacing Nancy Walters, 8/31/2021; Jim Michaud, SHS, temporary activities director, $360/day, replacing Ryan Hauge, 8/31/2021; Joseph Nelson, SHS, health/physical education, $28,141, BA, A ($42,002), .67 FTE, replacing Melissa Ferguson, 8/31/2021; Joseph Nelson, SMS, seventh/eighth-grade football, $2,667 (6.35 percent), BA, A ($42,002), new position, 8/25/2021; Monique Neussendorfer, RIS, para – LTS, $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, replacing Holly Olson, 8/31/2021; Trever Nordlund, SHS, girls diving, $4,087 (9.5 percent), BA, B ($43,024), replacing Nicole Thull, 8/16/2021; Jan Olson, SHS, cashier, $18.67/hour, R1, S4, 3 hours/day, replacing Kathleen Porwoll, 9/13/2021; Julie Olson, RIS, SPED – LTS, $150/half day, replacing Kelly Haws, 8/30/2021; Jesse Paggen, District, director of buildings and grounds, $82,500, new position, 7/1/2021; Nick Peterson, SHS, interim activities director, $105,000, replacing Ryan Hauge, 9/3/2021; Jennifer Philbrick, SHS, para, $18.03/hour, RIV, S2, 7 hours/day, replacing Michelle Gohl, 8/30/2021; Paul Plombon, SHS, ninth-grade football, $4,625 (10.5 percent), BA, C ($44,045), replacing Mitchell Keeler, 8/25/2021; Kathleen Porwoll, SHS, cook’s helper, $20.12/hour, RII, S4, 5 hours/day, replacing Traci Schuneman, 9/3/2021; Amy Reinert, SMS, para, $16.75/hour, RIV, S1, 7 hours/day, replacing Roxanne Chandler, 8/30/2021; Nathan Schultz, SHS, assistant girls hockey, $4,410 (10.5 percent), BA, A ($42,002), replacing Jon Erickson, 11/1/2021; Traci Schuneman, RIS, cook, $23.01/hour, RIV, S4, 6.25 hours/day, replacing Carol Williamson, 8/25/2021; Nichole Shekleton, District, information technology-Level II, $23.25/hour, 240 days/year, replacing Jasmyn Williams, 9/13/2021; Janet Skinner, PMPS, cashier, $16.20/hour, RI, S1, 3 hours/day, replacing Sarah Zehowski, 8/19/2021; Rachel Smith, SHS, eighth-grade volleyball, $3,121 (6.35 percent), BA, H ($49,145), replacing Erin Meyer, 8/25/2021; Jessica Suska, SMS, health assistant, $27.17/hour, RVII, S4, 7 hours/day, 182 days/year, replacing Katie Gallipo, 8/31/2021; Charity Terhune, Transp, van driver, $21.80/hour, Type III, Year 1, new position, 8/31/2021; Luke Thorn, District, information technology-Level II, $22/hour, 180 days/year, promotion, 9/13/2021; Nicole Thull, SMS, junior high girls swim, $3,185 (6.35 percent), BA, I ($50,164), replacing Amelia Klemp, 8/31/2021; Carol Williamson, SMS, cook, $25.26/hour, RIV, S6, 7.75 hours/day, replacing Shelly Starz, 8/23/2021; Isaiah Wallace, SMS, seventh/eighth-grade football, $2,667 (6.35 percent), BA, A ($42,002), replacing Chad Krauel, 8/25/2021; Isaiah Wallace, SHS, para, $18.03/hour, RIV, S2, 7 hours/day, replacing Mikayla Gessell, 8/30/2021; Brittney Witt, SMS, junior high girls soccer, $2,667 (6.35 percent), BA, A ($42,002), replacing Aaron Dowzak, 8/25/2021.
New Employees – Pending Licensure:
Alison Dylla, RIS, speech, $52,645, MA, A, replacing Marcia Gaetz, 8/25/21.
Leaves of Absence:
Nancy Avery, SMS, food service worker, LOA, 9/16/21-10/15/21; Sarah Crandall, SHS, science, LOA, 11/22/21-12/22/21; Kelly Haws, RIS, SPED, LOA, 8/30/21- 12/22/21; Dorothy Karls, Transportation, bus driver, LOA, 21-22 SY (intermittent); Kathy Mugg, ORELC, para, LOA, 9/20/21-12/22/21; Serena Nebel, SMS, SPED, LOA, 21-22 SY; Jennifer Nelson, SMS, para, LOA, 21-22 SY; Joy Patino, RIS, para, LOA, 11/15/21-12/31/21; Julie Reder, RIS, head custodian, LOA, 8/20/21- 9/30/21; Laura Solt, SHS, head cook, LOA, 9/9/21-9/24/21; Shelby Tanner, District, director of food service, LOA, 11/2/21-1/25/22; Crista Walz, ORELC, kindergarten, LOA, 2/26/22-6/7/22.
All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Marushin and seconded by Moehrle TO AUTHORIZE KAY NELSON TO ACT AS THE IDENTIFIED OFFICIAL WITH AUTHORITY (IOwA) SARTELL-ST ST.STEPHEN DISTRICT 0748-01. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Byrd to APPROVE RESOLUTION FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY MEASURES FOR THE 2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR. On a roll call vote, the following voted in favor: Marushin, Nies, Moehrle, Byrd, Meling and Snoberger. The following voted against: None. Motion carried 6-0.
A motion was made by Marushin and seconded by Meling to APPROVE THE CERTIFICATION OF THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT FOR THE PROPOSED 2021/PAYABLE 2022 LEVY AS PRESENTED. All in favor. Motion carried.
Schedule Work Session and Committee Meetings:
- Discuss Future Board Meeting Locations October/November – Performing Arts Center Scheduled for Student Concerts
- Future Policy Committee Meeting – Wednesday, Oct. 6 @ Sartell High School – 5 p.m.
- Future Board Work Session – Wednesday, Oct. 6 @ Sartell High School – 6:30 p.m.
- Future Regular Board Meeting – Monday, Oct. 18 @ Sartell High School – 6:30 p.m.
Official Review of Policies:
The Board had the official review of policy: 306, 423, 424, 427, 501 and 502.
The Board had the first reading of revisions of policies: 401, 404, 418, 419, 420, 422 and 504.
Committee Assignments were reviewed.
A motion to ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:36 p.m. was made by Nies and seconded by Meling. All in favor. Motion carried.
/s/ Amanda Byrd, clerk
Publish: Oct. 29, 2021