by Dennis Dalman
“Disney Newsies, Jr.,” an entertaining musical based on a 1899 newspaper boys’ strike in New York City, will be performed by Sartell Middle School students at 7 p.m. Friday, March 1 and again at 2 p.m. Saturday, March 2 at the Performing Arts Center in the school.
The performances are free, but a free-will cash donation by attendees will be appreciated.
Brooklyn Riggs is the director of the production, which is comprised of 48 students.
“Disney Newsies, Jr.” is a song-filled saga of impoverished street newspaper-selling boys in New York City who were up against the corporate power of news tycoon Joseph Pulitzer. The complicated story includes a love affair between two characters.
The play made its debut on Broadway in 2012. Its music was composed by Alan Menken with song lyrics by Jack Feldman, based on a play-book by Harvey Fierstein.
After the play debuted on Broadway in 2012, it was performed 1,000 times before setting out on a national tour. It received enthusiastic responses from critics and audiences.