by Dennis Dalman
“Kids Fighting Hunger” will host its 11th annual “We Are Thankful” food packaging event with a collection of nonperishable food items on Sunday, Nov. 19 at the St. Cloud River’s Edge Convention Center.
The event gives central Minnesotans the chance to help to provide food to children and families in the area. At least 450 volunteers are needed to package more than 90,000 oatmeal-and-rice meals for 11 area food shelves. They include Catholic Charities Emergency Services Food Shelf in St. Cloud, as well as public food-shelf facilities in Albany, Big Lake, Buffalo, Cold Spring, Elk River, Monticello, St. Joseph and Zimmerman.
“There’s a genuine struggle for individuals in our community experiencing food insecurity, and together, we’ve been able to support area food shelves helping serve our neighbors in need,” said Cathy Wogen, executive director of Kids Fighting Hunger.
Last year, volunteers at the “We Are Thankful” event packaged 140,000 meals, meeting the pre-order request of 110,000 meals from participating food shelves. In 2023, food shelves have requested 100,000 meals, which includes 10,000 boxes of macaroni-and-cheese donated by Coborn’s food stores. Any additional meals are distributed to a global community in need.
Donations are needed for help in paying for meal-package ingredients, and so Kids Fighting Hunger requests donations of $15 from children under age 18 and $30 from adults 18 or older.
“Considering that the cost of food ingredients and supplies have increased by 50 percent, Kids Fighting Hunger needs help in raising $30,000 for the event,” said Wogen. “Only with the support of our generous community can we together meet the needs of area food shelves.”
To donate to the event, send payment by check to Kids Fighting Hunger, PO Box 7550, St. Cloud, MN 56302, and designate We Are Thankful” on the check’s memo line. Donations are also accepted online at For help in sponsoring the event, email Cathy Wogen at or call 320-291-6007.
Food-packaging shifts each last about 75 minutes and begin at 9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 1 pm. To volunteer for the event and to register, visit
For more information about the 2023 We Are Thankful event, visit
Kids Fighting Hunger is a volunteer-driven effort to package and distribute humanitarian relief in communities worldwide where there is immediate need. Its members believe that every person can make a difference in the fight against local, national and global food insecurity.
A nonprofit organization, Kids Fighting Hunger provides people in central Minnesota the opportunity to work hands-on in the food-packaging process.
Its helpers include those from volunteer groups such as schools, athletic teams, faith communities, businesses and Scout troops.
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