JAN. 22, 2018
The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair Jason Nies. Members present: Nies; Pamela Raden, clerk; Jeremy Snoberger, treasurer; Mary McCabe, director; Lesa Kramer, director; and Jeff Schwiebert, superintendent. Members absent: Patrick Marushin, director.
A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Raden to APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED.
All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Kramer and seconded by Snoberger to APPROVE CONSENT ITEMS A-D AS PRESENTED BELOW. All in favor. Motion carried.
a. Minutes of the regular school board meeting held on Dec. 18, 2017
Minutes of the board organizational meeting held on Jan. 8, 2018
Minutes of the board work session held on Jan. 8, 2018
b. Checks in the amount of $3,386,888.91 as presented:
General Fund 2,918,920.42
Food Service Fund 193,843.77
Transportation Fund 122,597.35
Community Service Fund 58,968.39
Capital Expenditure Fund 92,558.98
Check numbers 170292 – 170660
Receipts in the amount of $4,154,054.46 as presented:
General Fund 3,295,449.95
Food Service Fund 233,899.42
Transportation Fund 3,350.74
Community Service Fund 47,914.69
Building Fund 20,156.65
Debt Service Fund 553,283.01
Receipts 44087 – 44193
Wire transfers in the amount of $6,185,903.24 as presented:
General Fund 806.96
Food Service Fund 4,569.32
Community Service Fund 899.46
Capital Expenditure Fund 63,725.00
Debt Service Fund 6,115,902.50
Wire transfers 201700046-201700056
Building Fund Checks in the amount of $1,903,497.63 as presented:
Building Fund 1,903,497.63
Check numbers 600182 to 600197
c. Accept the following donations:
Wee Trees Richard and Rosie Warzecha, Pine Meadow Elementary, $130, general donation; CentraCare Health Foundation, Sartell Middle School Choir, $200, Holly Ball Performance.
d. Accept the resignation of Jessica Roske, PME, student supervisor, 12/22/17. Accept the retirements of Brenda Braulick, DSC, director of food service, 7/2/18; Dennis Molitor, Transportation, bus driver, 1/31/18; Patricia Ness, DSC/Early Childhood, para, 5/26/18; Tim Schreiber, ORE, kindergarten teacher, 6/1/18; Steve Wruck, DSC, director of business services, 8/31/18.
Construction Manager Report on Building Process:
• Project Manager Lee Gruen reported the cold weather has slowed progress, but the timeline for the building remains on schedule. Precast for the gym and theater are complete allowing for roofing to begin. Area three is all decked and area four has continuing steel work progress. The goal of a watertight roof by June 21 remains on schedule. The pilot classroom at the current High School should be ready mid-February.
Superintendent Report: Jeff Schwiebert, superintendent
• Schwiebert reported the district received a donation of $2,500 from Luther Honda and reviewed donation procedures with the board. Thanks were expressed for the 20 years of service for pending retirees Director of Business Services Steve Wruck and Director of Food Service Brenda Braulick.
School Board Committee Report:
• Raden reported on the Communications and Technology Committee highlighting the launch of the new district website.
Student Representative Report: Tristen Nies, student representative
• Nies reported on happenings around the district. Oak Ridge welcomed halftime for the school year with their video announcement last Friday. Pine Meadow will have Bingo night on Feb. 23 and host Kindergarten round-up for new 2018-2019 kindergarteners. The Middle School will host the spelling bee on Tuesday this week and conferences will be held the following week. The High School finished the second quarter on Jan. 19 with a rigorous final schedule. The Student Council hosted “Cocoa and Cram” to help students get extra help during finals week. Winter activities continue to perform well and the Sabres vs. Cancer fundraiser will begin next week.
Student Activity Account Report:
• Director of Business Services Steve Wruck reported on the 2017-2018 student activity account.
Enrollment Report:
• Superintendent Schwiebert reported on the current enrollment numbers for each school.
Community Fundraising for Athletic Complex at New High School Report:
• Kai Lewis from the Sartell Area Youth Football Association and Jason Smith from the Lacrosse Association presented a community fundraising proposal for enhancing our athletic complex at the new high school.
Media Center/Central Hub Report:
• Superintendent Schwiebert, Principal Brenda Steve and Assistant Superintendent of Learning Services Kay Nelson presented on how the new Sartell High School will embrace next-generation learning through the design and function of distributed media spaces.
A motion was made by Raden and seconded by McCabe to APPROVE #1-13:
New Employees/Changes:
Alaina Anderson, SMS, SPED – Level III, $21,419, BA, S00, .5573 FTE, replacing Kaye Crawford, 1/2/2018; Laura Bakker, SHS, assistant Knowledge Bowl, $1,686 (4.5 percent), BA, S0 ($37,473), replacing Tom Ebnet, 11/18/2017; Tracy Christian, ORE, para, $16.42/hr, RIV, S1, four hours/day, replacing Judy Pohlkamp, 1/2/2018; Karissa Gould, Early Childhood, ECFE, $26.25/hour, BA, S00, replacing Emily Yule, 1/16/2018; Karissa Gould, Early Childhood, school readiness teacher, $26.25/hour, BA, S00, replacing Emily Yule, 2/26/2018; Leah Klabo Summerville, SMS, junio high track, $1,686 (4.5 percent), BA, 0 ($37,473), replacing Laura Nordby, 3/12/2018; Jeannie Klehr, Transportation, bus driver, $22.27/hour, Year 1, 4.5 hpurs/day, replacing Dennis Molitor, 2/1/2018; Mary Knellwolf, Early Childhood, para, $17.68/hour, RIV, S2, 2.83 hours/day (M,T,TH,F), additional assignment/student need, 1/10/2018; Karissa Pietron, PME, para, $16.42/hour, 6.25 hours/day, replacing Mary Knellwolf, 12/19/2017; Aaron Romportl, SMS, seventh-grade baseball, $1,686 (4.5%), BA, 0 ($37,473), replacing Dylan Hollenkamp, 3/12/2018.
Leaves of Absence:
Nichole Perius, ORE, teacher, LOA, 4/15/18-6/1/18; Kris O’Brien, DSC, director of community education, LOA, 3/15/18-4/27/18; Susan Bechtold, ORE, custodian, LOA, 1/8/18-1/23/18.
All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Snoberger and seconded by McCabe to APPROVE REVISIONS TO POLICIES 202, 205, 206, 208, 209, 210, 533, 620 & 903. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Kramer and seconded by McCabe to APPROVE SCHOOL DISTRICT CALENDAR FOR 2018-2019 AS PRESENTED AND TABLE ACTION ON THE SCHOOL DISTRICT CALENDAR FOR 2019-2020 AS PRESENTED. Nies, Raden, Snoberger and Kramer in favor. Nay vote by McCabe. Motion carried.
A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Snoberger to APPROVE SARTELL-ST. STEPHEN HIGH SCHOOL COURSE CHANGES FOR 2018-2019 SCHOOL YEAR AS PRESENTED. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Raden and seconded by Snoberger to APPROVE MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR ST. CLOUD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR THE 2018 CALENDAR YEAR. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Kramer and seconded by Snoberger to APPROVE MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR SARTELL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR THE 2018 CALENDAR YEAR. All in favor. Motion carried.
Schedule Work Session and Committee Meetings:
• Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, Jan. 29 – District Services Center at 6:30 p.m.
• Operations Committee Meeting – Wednesday, Feb. 7 – District Services Center at 6:30 p.m.
• Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, Feb. 12 – District Services Center at 6:30 p.m.
• Board Work Session – Wednesday, Feb. 21 – District Services Center at 6 p.m.
• Future Board Meeting – Monday, Feb. 26 – District Services Center at 6:30 p.m.
• Committee assignments for 2018 were reviewed.
A motion to ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:14 p.m. was made by Raden and seconded by Snoberger. All in favor. Motion carried.
/s/ Pamela Raden, clerk
Publish: March 2, 2018